
back reform in a sentence

1) One of the concerns is whether political uncertainty will pull back reforms push.

2) Let's take back reform and revive, rally, and recover public schools.

back collocations
3) SUPERMARKET staff in Chelmsford were yesterday urging shoppers to back reform of the Sunday trading laws.

4) Both bills are efforts to roll back reforms that passed under the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial reform bill.

back reform example sentences

5) Trashing FASB 157 will not simply set back reform, it will kill it stone cold before arrival.

6) In the 2000 elections, Newman initially backed reform Presidential candidate Pat Buchanan, but then he switched to Natural Law Party candidate John Hagelin.

7) Already the Liberal Democrats are looking to set the pace, while Labour's shadow cabinet has discussed its position and the Ukip leader, Nigel Farage, backs reform.

8) They supported Democrats who backed reforms opposed by teachers' unions, including the 2004 U.S. Senate candidate from Illinois, Barack Obama.

9) As a result of their actions they've set back reform in Chinese government by years since all the high level pro-reform leaders were dismissed.

10) Italians back reform","Class":"{col0 coll}"}],"Right":[],"TokenNum":1147246259},

11) " Unite, which has 1,200 members at the Co-op, mainly in logistics, called on board members to back reform of the organisation.

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