
back judge in a sentence

1) It adds the back judge to the four-official system.

2) With the back judge, he rules whether field goal attempts are successful.

back collocations
3) The field judge was added in 1929 and the back judge in 1947.

4) To me, it sounded like you were really hoping CP would WANT Vinny back judging from that post.

back judge example sentences

5) And how is the ruling on the field that the play continued after the back judge blew the ball dead?

6) The line judge was Bart Longson, the back judge was Joe Johnston and the field judge was Ed Vinzant.

7) Prior to the start of the 1998 NFL season, the league swapped position titles with the field judge and back judge.

8) They were locked into a familiar laid back groove, but perhaps it was too laid back judging by applause that was polite rather than raucous.

9) If we always think about being better than we were the day before, and phrase that with judgment for our former selves, than that means one day we'll be looking back judging who we are right now.

10) Hochuli had worked a pre-season game that year in Tokyo, Japan, as a back judge when he received a telephone call following the game from then-Senior Director of Officiating, Jerry Seeman.

11) Hochuli was hired by the NFL in 1990 as a back judge (now field judge) after applying to the league before the 1989 NFL season.

12) In four games in the 2010 preseason, the NFL experimented with an eighth official, a Deep judge, in the defensive backfield opposite the back judge.

13) In the NFL, the back judge is responsible for ruling a "delay of game" infraction if the play clock expires.

14) The back judge (B or BJ) stands deep behind the defensive secondary in the middle of the field, judging the action of nearby running backs, receivers (primarily the tight ends) and nearby defenders.

example sentences with back

15) One official, back judge Adrian Burk, signaled that the play was a touchdown, but the other game officials did not immediately make any signal.

16) By using the eighth official, essentially a second back judge, this summer, the NFL also increases the pool of officials it could hire who have some sort of game experience.

17) " It should have been, " shot back judge Wright.

18) back Judge: Al Jury (106)

19) back Judge: Ray Douglas (5)

20) back Judge: Bob Waggoner (25)

21) back Judge: Tim Millis (80)

22) back Judge: Ed Merrifield (76)

23) back Judge: Paul Baetz (22)

24) back Judge: Hugh Gamber (70)

25) back Judge: Scott Green 19

26) back Judge: Banks Williams 99

27) back Judge: Pat Knight 73

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