
back break in a sentence

1) It is non stop back breaking hard work!

2) It was a really back breaking hard job.

back collocations
3) It is back breaking and time consuming.

4) They came back broke and disillusioned in 1979.

back break example sentences

5) It's illuminating work, and back breaking hard.

6) Prune back broken or frozen areas and they will recover.

7) The rally offers a dash of adrenaline during an otherwise laid back break!

8) On the other side Ungur came back broke twice to lead 3–2.

9) This is back breaking work.

10) It is back breaking work .

11) The water is so shallow that their writhing humped backs break clear of the surface.

12) Running backs broke through the line of scrimmage, wide receivers ran sound routes and Crompton threw accurately.

13) The house building project is about a 30-40 minute walk away and is back breaking work.

14) They then heard a muffled detonation and a thud as the "Hindenburg's" back broke.

example sentences with back

15) Two other soldiers were also injured as a result of the blast, one had his back broken.

16) An attempt by Constantine in 1814 to win her back broke down in the face of her firm opposition.

17) Then the ship tore herself away from the reef, back broken, thirty feet of bow section diving free.

18) It was very shallow water and several times I could see its back break the surface but never its head.

19) Long hours, back breaking, knuckle busting, sleepless nights, timeless research, and a lot of hard work.

20) Pigs of a stimulus place make connecting on cap. They were back break deliver eminent, metformin and no evidence was related.

21) You don't have to carry around so many back breaking rocks and you can sell more high value plants up front.

22) The final straw was that the network port on the back broke, and it just wasn't reliable to stream wirelessly.

23) Stealing is their only solution because they don't like menial jobs that require back breaking tasks but don't pay much.

24) back breaking soul robbing labor should be a law in this country, if for no other reason then to make people realize just how good they have it after they get that degree.

25) My background is of back breaking labor digging ditches in the 100 degree heat 4 days out of the week, and that was before my second job of landscaping.

26) He had seen his earliest pupils, as had my father, either not come back at all, or come back broken men.

27) Moving the brood stock "Mamasans" is back breaking as some of the fish are 34+̋ and weigh over 20lbs.

How to use back in a sentence

28) Her back broken.

29) Lean times led the young men to dream of faster ways to make their fortunes than the slow and back breaking labor of clamming at short prices.

30) Janković took the initial lead breaking Williams in the fourth game, but Williams came back breaking the Serbian in the fifth and seventh game, and held in the tenth game to take the first set.

31) While wide receiver Keenan Allen became the team's all time leader in career receptions, no receiver posted a 1,000 yard season and no running backs broke the 1,000-yard rushing mark.

32) She looks up and watches in horror, as Bill has his back broken by Marz, and runs back to the camp.

33) Buoyancy was lost on the stern of the ship, and the bow lurched upwards while the ship's back broke; the falling stern stayed in trim.

34) Bruce Wayne, confined to a wheelchair after having his back broken by Bane, attempts to rescue Jack Drake and Shondra Kinsolving from Shondra's evil brother, the Asp.

35) His shoulders had been wrenched from their sockets, his leg shattered by angry villagers and a torturer, and his back broken.

36) At the western end of the island a tramp steamer (of about 4000 tons)... lay high and almost dry head onto the coral beach with her back broken in two places.

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