
back bedroom in a sentence

1) He began searching the back bedroom where Charlie had been found.

2) As if they'd never shared that back bedroom.

back collocations
3) May Ling gently pushed him towards the back bedroom and his costume.

4) I also avoided the back bedrooms as they had the same feeling.

back bedroom example sentences

5) The men walked to the back bedroom where the card games were going on.

6) So he was moved to the back bedroom, which had a full-size bed.

7) The boy pointed to a back bedroom and Massingham pushed him gently before him.

8) Into the er back bedroom.

9) Four children, including a 16year-old babysitter, were trapped upstairs watching television in a back bedroom.

10) If you are easily distracted, you may do better in a back bedroom or at the library.

11) Her eighteen month old son was in a back bedroom with the door wedged shut, he was unharmed.

12) The police were then called to the house and found two people tied up in a back bedroom.

13) Officers found no one in the back bedroom and no signs that the home had been broken into.

14) He told me that in my back bedroom was a sensational sports story of sex, drugs and liniment.

example sentences with back

15) There were two other persons present, both of whom said they'd heard moans emanating from the back bedroom.

16) It means a step up, so Jon will take the front bedroom and I will take the back bedroom.

17) She had told neighbours: 'We were all watching television in a back bedroom when I went to the toilet.

18) Fire crews broke into the back bedroom and pulled out Shona Smith, 16 months, and Gavin Hurley, 8.

19) He picked the one up from the back room and plugged it in next to the one in the back bedroom.

20) When he got to his new foster home, they showed him a back bedroom with no carpet, just cracked cement.

21) Below the attics was a back bedroom looking out over the flower garden, and so on to the main road beyond.

22) Think close to doors, and not in the back bedroom and make sure it's not in a towed vehicle but rather with you.

23) THE ORIGINAL: a sullen, inexpressive wail, a fallible voice as small and sorely limited as a back bedroom, a fey, frustrated frailty.

24) My Sister Kate and I shared a double bed in the back bedroom and we would roll up pieces of newspaper and pretend they were cigarettes.

25) The company founder Peter O'Neill started Invotech in 1999 by developing and coding the software in a back bedroom of his house!

26) The bodies of Neesha Patel, nine, and her brother, Pritesh, seven, were found together in the back bedroom and their sister Neha, eight months, in a cot in her parents' room.

27) Having recently moved house, we came across a problem: the Wi-Fi signal from our otherwise impressive Virgin Media Superhub 2 wouldn't reach the back bedroom.

How to use back in a sentence

28) Hazel Johnson lives in a small, 3-bedroom home in Aurora that was built in 1952 and has little insulation in the back bedroom, causing a strong draft during cold weather.

29) Over the years they had often made love like this, in his back bedroom when the parents were in the house - Rachel seemed to enjoy the danger - although never on the floor before!

30) Even when there was just 2 of us, your home is set up so you don't even know the back bedrooms are even there.

31) I have wood blinds in the back bedrooms, they work great in keeping the AZ heat from the window out of the room when closed, but require a lot of maintenance.

32) McCarren testified that when he entered the apartment Davis got up from the couch and ran down a narrow hall to the back bedroom carrying a handgun.

33) One of the fire brigade team found the body of a mixed race man in his twenties in the upstairs back bedroom of the house behind a locked door.

34) In November, 2012, a further analysis of DNA evidence found Skinner's blood on numerous objects and furniture in the back bedroom where Busby's sons were murdered.

35) Skinner's attorney, Rob Owen, has requested additional DNA testing to identify DNA from an "unknown contributor" on the knife and in the back bedroom.

36) Among the findings: Skinner's blood was found in numerous places in the back bedroom where Busby's two sons were murdered.

37) The basement was the playing area, the attic was the control room, the front bedroom was the business office and the back bedroom was the repair shop and tape storage.

38) Although the explosion almost destroyed the house, Looby and his wife, who were asleep in a back bedroom, were not injured.

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