
back and to in a sentence

1) Dean finally approached with Sam several steps back and to one side.

2) You can imagine the loneliness until I got back and to work again.

back collocations
3) When will he learn to trust his inside backs and to stop coming off his wing?

4) Using these levers the pilot inclines the engine forward or back and to the sides.

back and to example sentences

5) The student may be able to stand back and to relativize his or her own learning.

6) Maria said: "I am obviously playing really well to come back and to win today.

7) He used to run the 2 kilometres to school and back and to return home for lunch.

8) So they maneuvered him to the back and to the side, away from the regulars.

9) But it's good to be back and to go back to the gospel of John.

10) The general wrote back and to tell him about Washington, and he was accepted for the position.

11) Look which way we will, both to look back and to look forward, to Canaan.

12) She's learned to baby her back and to find ways to avoid irritating the nerves in her spine.

13) You may have hormonal therapy to reduce the risk of breast cancer coming back and to protect your other breast.

14) The next year, they decided to go behind Vandersteen's back and to sell directly to the Germans.

example sentences with back

15) Sure enough, he looked back and to his left and spotted a beautiful 8-pointer coming through the woods!

16) Another solution would be to keep the curtain tied back and to add Roman or roller or Austrian blinds underneath.

17) Butt Kickers From a jog, the lower leg is allowed to swing back and to bounce off the buttocks.

18) He did this propaganda to save his back and to save his country, not because he believed in peace.

19) I have learnt not to hold back and to ask everyone, the worst thing they can say is no!

20) I use it to lean back and to read, or maybe interact a bit with people I know online.

21) Then he turned and began the hopeless task of chasing his shoe as it flew back and to above his head.

22) The Company agreed to provide a special train to Bantry and back and to contribute half the cost of the refreshments.

23) Target for the weekend is to have all the primer sanded back and to reprime any bits that need another coat.

24) Brock was now driving his heart out to try and pull some time back and to try and do the impossible.

25) With her help, the French forces were able to push the English forces back and to regain control of French territory.

26) Bonnie calls Jeremy to tell him that there was never a way for her to come back and to also say goodbye.

27) With work, you should be able to coach your players to control the game at the back and to start great passing moves leading to goals at the other end.

How to use back in a sentence

28) Andy's adventurous pawn sacrifice in the opening left him with an initiative enough to get the pawn back and to keep some pressure.

29) Reconciliation is not only to bring back and to punish, this is not reconciliation this is justice, but are we able to put hundreds of people of militias into jail and feeding them?

30) At that very moment (this gets confusing now), the old me just went "pop!" It kind of popped out to the side - back and to the side.

31) If so, that is the way to go to explore these issues, if not, then go on your own to gain some sense of control back and to learn the best way to approach this situation with your children.

32) It is God's desire to bring the man back to life, and He disposes him to weep his way back and to repent.

33) Cicuta virosa A distinctive feature here is that during the spasms the head is thrown back and to the side, so that the muzzle rests on the shoulder blade facing towards the tail.

34) I've been taking my Mum back and to every day to see him and we just dont know if he will ever come back to us.

35) Well Lee want's the two characters back and to be the focus of the story, once again concentrating on the relationship between the two, but what about the plot?

36) It was an enormous red folly with balconies all around the back and to the gardens at the sides, and had been divided into apartments.

37) I came home that night and did an Epley, sure enough there was spinning when my head was back and to the left.

38) He had sat far back and to one side but the congregation was small for the early morning service and he had seen everything clearly.

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