
back across in a sentence

1) The reservation form comes back across the counter.

2) Head back across the three pink elastic plants.

back collocations
3) The men came back across the courtyard.

4) The thunder echoes back across the valley.

back across example sentences

5) When the spikes retract again, run back across.

6) Once you come back across everything is fine.

7) Our troops boarded ships and steamed back across the ocean.

8) Then they walked back across the aisle.

9) He can hit runners while shooting back across his body.

10) He suffered heavy losses and was forced back across the border.

11) Woodward pushed the folder back across the table.

12) Once again they fell back across the stream.

13) Every few paces he glanced back across his shoulder.

14) The Americans retreated back across the river.

example sentences with back

15) Allied forces had been chased back across the desert by Rommel.

16) He sent a boat back across to Boston requesting reinforcements.

17) The ghost was back across her grave, in boots.

18) Let's go back across here look.

19) First run back across the spikes when they retract.

20) Corbett moved the cup of ale back across the table.

21) A service return must not go directly back across the net.

22) Pull back across face of goal evades everyone.

23) This afternoon went on ski around the bay and back across.

24) back across the fields is the father and his son.

25) The relieving column was driven back across the Spreća.

26) Jump back across to where the robed figure was.

27) Police worked to push the crowd back across Michigan Avenue.

How to use back in a sentence

28) Many even traveled back across the Allegheny Mountains.

29) Fred flicked the envelope back across the table.

30) A bumpy, shaky ride back across Paris.

31) But Preston wasn't going back across the Common.

32) I slid the form back across the table to him .

33) Jump back across the gap and continue to the right.

34) Jump back across to the left and cross the lift shaft.

35) Woodie drove them back across the bridge.

36) back across the road I went and peeped through the gap.

37) Drops of rain run back across the windows, almost horizontally.

38) He swung his horse around and galloped back across the bridge.

39) Threw herself back across the bed, screaming, kicking.

40) Grimma walked back across the greasy floor of the cab.

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