
bach remedy in a sentence

1) This is where the bach remedies can be helpful.

2) Who practice using aromas and bach remedies for inner balance.

bach collocations
3) They are not relevant to which bach remedies you need.

4) There are a number of suitable homeopathic remedies and suitable bach remedies .

bach remedy example sentences

5) There is no bach remedy for asthma, since this is a physical complaint.

6) These products mainly comprise of homeopathic preparations, some herbal products and bach flower remedies .

7) Good advice, to which we would add: keep some bach remedies handy.

8) Similarly, when it comes to selecting bach remedies you should ignore any physical symptoms.

9) If you need help with a physical problem you should consult a qualified medical advisor in addition to taking bach remedies .

10) People with a serious alcohol problem might need to take care when using bach remedies, though, as Kathy explains.

11) Since Dr. bach died in 1936, it is apparent that there are no more "original" bach remedies being made.

12) Third, bach remedies do not appear to have direct effects on the physical body or physical symptoms, as can homeopathy.

13) Holistic therapies There is a range of holistic treatments suitable for rabbits including herbal medicine, homeopathy, acupuncture, reiki, chiropractic, bach flower remedies and aroma therapy.

14) Dr Edward Bach, founder of the bach Centre and discoverer of the 38 bach remedies, was born 125 years ago today, on the 24th September 1886.

example sentences with bach

15) The HealingherbsTM are genuine bach remedies, prepared according to the original methods....

16) Treatment at these emotional and mental levels can of course also be obtained using homoeopathy and/or bach remedies .

17) bach remedies and animals

18) 28th September 2009: The bach Centre has clarified its position on the use of animal communication techniques when selecting bach flower remedies .

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