
baccy in a sentence

1) Has Ricky been caught smoking the wacky baccy?

2) Rather like baccy is today in fact.

3) Despite all the rum bum baccy stuff.

4) baccy was one man neither hurricane nor Louis would be able to stop.

baccy example sentences

5) Maria Magdalena was Baccy's craft.

6) You're not allowed matches on C1, but you're allowed baccy.

7) baccy might be a stalwart Christian but he hated to lose a sailboat race.

8) You've got his baccy?

9) The finishing line was on a dead run and baccy had his crew throw the ballast overboard.

10) We had put what we had to father's £12 to buy the baccy and pipes.

11) He'd got a goodish bit o' baccy and stuff done up in a ole shirt.

12) Baccy, the bosun, knows me; we race lighters together,' he explained.

13) UB40 in the inner pocket, papers and baccy and lighter and keys: ready to practise her autograph!

14) There's many a swell bloke 'ud give 'arf a dollar for that to put is baccy in.

example sentences with baccy

15) That's the only thing wrong with Nettos, they don't sell cigs and baccy and stuff do they?

16) With three hundred metres to the finish line, Baccy's Maria Magdalena was losing by a length to Caribbean Queen .

17) Last drag, a long, long draw, fizzing the baccy, burning my tongue, making me dizzy, ahhh.

18) Worse, these days there are fringe dwellers propelled about the place by excess happy baccy, Methamphetamine, glue or other dope.

19) Men who only went into a shop for 'baccy', matches or a paper, were sent round to the local grocer's and butcher's shops to buy up everything that wasn't nailed down.

20) I ran off to the nearest baccy shop and came back with a packet of cigs and a box of matches to wait at the foot of his plank.

21) Normally baccy would have come in closer but the wind was onshore and the storm couldn't be more than an hour away.

22) He ran across the key, bandoleer slapping his chest, gun held at the port, and reached the beach in time to see baccy ease the patrol boat in through a gap in the reef.

23) Baccy!

24) Two Creole girls squeezed oranges in the bows while baccy shouted at his crew as if they were galley slaves rather than a bunch of half-drunk amateurs trying to have Sunday fun.

25) Trent was crewing for Baccy, a six-foot-four Seventh Day Adventist black Customs officer who captained Belpan's lone patrol boat when he wasn't racing sailboats.

26) Betty Felton now put her head back and looked from one to the other of her four sons and she said, 'Aye, there's a confectioner's an' baccy shop in that street.

27) In this context, he suggested that "baccy", because of the "cc" in "tobacco", was "more acceptable than soccer" (there being no "cc" in "Association").

28) He counts the bunnies in what is presumably a Scottish accent: "six leetle fat rabbits", and argues with his wife about buying "baccy".

29) The EP's title is also a pun on the Welsh Mwg Drwg, meaning "wacky baccy" (slang for cannabis, more literally "bad (or naughty) smoke").

30) What about baccy?

31) 'Someone been smoking whacky baccy again?'

32) Trent waved and yelled, 'Baccy...'

33) 'I'll drop in that baccy for you tonight, Mr Miller.

34) "Blue Baccy" (1972) aka "Rory's Fortune" (1988)

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