
babysit in a sentence

1) The butter requires a little more babysitting .

2) My teenage daughter babysits for extra cash.

3) babysitting services are available upon request and with proper advance notice.

4) The above estimate does not include a babysitting figure.

babysit example sentences

5) Volunteers may utilize the babysitting service onsite if necessary.

6) babysitting is provided for infants and young children.

7) Your daughter may not ask for babysitting help.

8) babysitting wages are too good for those teachers.

9) I occasionally babysit ( during daytime hours only!

10) Organizing a babysitting co-op is more reliable.

11) babysitting gigs became opportunities to get kids involved in creative projects.

12) It gives the administration more tools to control demand for babysitting.

13) The services of baby nurses go beyond the obvious babysitting.

14) Volunteer opportunities include tutoring, babysitting, mentoring and more.

example sentences with babysit

15) Another neighbor asked me to babysit her future child .

16) babysitting courses here start at the age of 11 .

17) Is that because babysitting isn't very lucrative?

18) I was ten and babysitting on my own .

19) It's a wonder I ever babysat again.

20) Reason 7: Nobody likes to babysit.

21) He doesn't need to babysit me.

22) It's more of a babysitting game.

23) Big Penguin is babysitting for the evening.

24) Raven often has to babysit for him.

25) Tell me about your worst babysitting experience.

26) Describe to me your previous babysitting experience.

27) What age did you use to babysit?

How to use babysit in a sentence

28) His wife Alice babysat for the police.

29) She's gonna ask Jane to babysit.

30) If you are babysitting an infant, keep the pits away.

31) The victim had been known to babysit for Smith on occasion .

32) Are you interested in babysitting right here in your own neighborhood?

33) But the measures did not resolve the inadequate demand for babysitting.

34) Years of babysitting had prepared me for whatever would lie ahead.

35) That's why I asked if you were babysitting last night.

36) I babysat his kids and devoured his library of photo books.

37) There is a full housekeeping service and babysitting can be arranged.

38) There are still occasional references to Cookie and her babysitting.

39) She babysat their children, they gave her piano lessons.

40) His father worked as a mechanic and his mother babysat.

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