
baby weigh in a sentence

1) The baby weighs 1 pound 4 oz.

2) A baby weighing more than 9 pounds.

baby collocations
3) The baby weighed six pounds and six ounces at birth.

4) The average baby weighs about 7 pounds at birth.

baby weigh example sentences

5) How much did your babies weigh when they were born?

6) Usually, 5 percent of newborn babies weigh less than 5 pounds.

7) The baby weighed 5 1⁄2 pounds.

8) What's happening to baby: baby now weighs 2 1⁄2 ounces.

9) The baby weighed 7 lbs. 15 oz. and measured 20 in.

10) The network also reports that the baby weighed in at under five pounds.

11) The baby weighs only about 3 1⁄2 lb (1.6 kg) at birth.

12) The baby weighed three pounds .

13) New born babies weighing about 6lb only so that is a lot of growth!

14) The baby weighed only about 4 pounds when he was delivered, neighbors and friends said.

example sentences with baby

15) NEC is more common in babies weighing less than 1,500 grams (3 pounds, 4 ounces).

16) What's happening to baby: baby now weighs 4 ounces and is developing fat under her skin.

17) Named after his father, he was a large baby weighing 11 pounds, 3 ounces at birth.

18) This indicates that these babies are weighing less than 90% of babies of the same gestational age.

19) Unfortunately, however, I miscarried during my fifth month and lost my baby who only weighed one pound.

20) A baby weighing in at 13.4 pounds and measuring nearly 23 inches was born naturally last week in a German hospital.

21) What's happening to baby: baby weighs roughly 4 1⁄2 pounds and is practicing breathing in preparation for her birth.

22) An eight-month-old Colombian baby weighing 20 kilos (44 pounds) is treated by the Chubby Hearts Foundation in Colombia.

23) Thirty-two weeks following fertilisation (34 weeks of pregnancy) the baby weighs around 2100gms and is about 30cm long.

24) Mom told the "Today" show that she, too, was a large baby weighing in at over 10 pounds.

25) What's happening to baby: baby now weighs 9 ounces and she might be putting pressure on your lungs and bladder.

26) At the end of the eighth months, your baby weighs between five and six pounds and is gaining about half a pound per week, mostly in fat deposits.

27) The baby weighed less than one kilo, she took it to the clinic and a clinic worker helped her to a nearby hospital.

How to use baby in a sentence

28) babies weighing 2kg or less were more than twice as likely to commit suicide as adults than those weighing between 3.25kg and 3.75kg, according to the findings.

29) One of the side effects most commonly encountered in women with maternal diabetes is macrosomia: in 20% of cases, the child will be macrosomic, that is to say, a baby weighing more than 4 pounds.

30) In both developed and developing countries, percentages of babies weighing less than 2,500 grams at birth are highest when maternal age is under 20 and over 35 years (Makinson, 1984; Omran, 1981).

31) Women who have had diabetes during pregnancy (gestational diabetes) or have given birth to a baby weighing more than 9 pounds are also more likely to develop type 2 diabetes later in life.

32) What's happening to baby: baby weighs anywhere from 5 3⁄4 to 6 3⁄4 pounds and may be as long as 19 inches.

33) What's happening to baby: baby weighs about 2 1⁄2 pounds, and she will be adding weight quickly in the next several weeks.

34) What's happening to baby: baby weighs 14 ounces and is looking more and more like a newborn: Her eyes are fully formed, her lips are becoming more noticeable and she even has eyebrows!

35) What's happening to baby: baby weighs in at about 7 ounces this week, and he is starting to grow hair!

36) What's happening to baby: This week, baby weighs a bit less than 2 ounces (a bar of soap weighs 3 ounces) and continues to grow at an astonishing rate.

37) Newborns with brachial plexus injury was most commonly found in Diabetic women whose babies weighed more than 4.5 kg at birth along with different types of deliveries.

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