
baby shower in a sentence

1) Water baby showers is recurrent tub areas.

2) Any baby shower is incomplete without games .

baby collocations
3) There are plenty advantages of choosing water baby showers .

4) Numerous benefits of using steam baby showers .

baby shower example sentences

5) Two bridal showers and one baby shower .

6) The secret lies with choosing classy yet inexpensive baby shower decorating ideas.

7) So flowers are the perfect decoration to complement a baby shower .

8) baby showers were not originally for celebrating the baby.

9) A baby shower shouldn't be about gifts.

10) I never understood the one baby shower only thing.

11) The rapper stated that he anticipated having a male baby shower .

12) People were unsure how to throw a baby shower .

13) The baby shower is an example of a modern custom .

14) I never had a baby shower or a fancy wedding.

example sentences with baby

15) Saturday was my friend Allison's baby shower .

16) A baby shower was to be hosted by two individuals.

17) This baby shower was for my own third baby to be.

18) You have a fresh, vibrant feel for your baby shower !

19) Poetry in a baby shower is a beautiful way of communicating.

20) I give it as a gift at every baby shower .

21) We prepared the baby's nursery and had a couple baby showers .

22) Some sites even offer a gift registry for bridal and baby showers .

23) Our landlords threw a baby shower .

24) Should I have Games at a Couples baby shower ?

25) On Saturday I was invited to a baby shower in Brooklyn.

26) I made some of this in Jan. for baby shower favors.

27) Do not take on baby shower shortly after a rigorous work.

How to use baby in a sentence

28) But Im sure as hell not going to attend any baby shower .

29) Lachi manages to stop Radha till her baby shower .

30) But I think what you wore to the baby shower looks great!

31) This is a tasty u0026 useful baby shower favor that each guest would love!

32) Besides weddings, my in-law had her baby shower during the break.

33) I had a second baby shower for a very limitted amount of reasons.

34) Pictures never fail to add a fun u0026 personal touch to a baby shower .

35) baby shower decorations are not the reason people come to a baby shower .

36) Mom had this "thing" called a baby shower for her niece Christy.

37) It's time to take the traditional baby shower to the next level!

38) Can we have a bridal shower or a baby shower at the chapel?

39) You can include a poetry reading as a focal point of your baby shower .

40) Is it a birthday, a graduation, or even a baby shower ?

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