
baby is due in a sentence

1) A neighbour asks when the baby is due.

2) The baby is due November 21 st, 2013.

baby collocations
3) Her first baby is due in six weeks time.

4) This baby is due about 3 days before Nathan's birthday.

baby is due example sentences

5) The other girl is nine months pregnant, baby is due next week.

6) The doctor will work out the date when your baby is due.

7) Kelley reportedly said that their baby is due on New Year's Eve.

8) I am told that a baby is due to be born in September 1992.

9) Jocelyn asked what she should be feeling if the baby is due for birth.

10) My baby is due in a month and I plan to stay here in Washington.

11) Not long before her baby is due, Juno is again visiting Mark when their interaction becomes emotional.

12) One of the common causes for a stillborn baby is due to the pregnancy disorder called pre-eclampsia .

13) It is usually about 9 to 11 kg 20 to 25 lbs by the time your baby is due.

14) Column 2 against this will tell you the qualifying week, which is fifteen weeks before the baby is due.

example sentences with baby

15) He asks me when the baby is due, and then notices the sparkling engagement ring on my left hand.

16) Before you can work out if SMP is payable, you will need medical evidence of the date the baby is due.

17) The date the baby is due, as shown on the MATB1 certificate, determines the maternity pay period entitlement and not the date the baby is born.

18) No one is aware, though, even as she graduates from high school with only about a month before the baby is due.

19) If a pregnancy goes well as Sarah's did, I usually suggest an appointment about a month before the baby is due in order to discuss plans for the birth.

20) Short version of the math: it will take 9 weeks to get to NY, find a new house and close on it, putting us at moving in just 3 weeks before the baby is due, which just isn't going to happen.

21) Victoria suggests Amy tell Val but on going to the clinic, learns that her pregnancy is too advanced for the termination and that the baby is due in December.

22) The court heard that the girl is pregnant by him and the baby is due to be born shortly after her 16th birthday in two months.

23) We are currently finishing the unfinished 2nd floor in our cape with a looming deadline of August 16... when our first baby is due.

24) Pat, whose baby is due in four days, says: 'It's unnerving, this waiting to see what the future holds, but there isn't a lot I can do.

25) " Hill's baby is due in September.

26) 'Charlie's baby is due tomorrow, Perry is in Japan on tour, just like all the papers say.

27) hi, can someone tell me what i am entitled to as a single mother,, i am working full time and my baby is due in march.. what housing benefits do i get or do i get any???

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