
baby infant in a sentence

1) Can I book a reserved seat for my baby or infant ?

2) Originally educated in Ghana, she loves treating babies and infants .

baby collocations
3) Use any of these poems for the loss of a child, baby or infant .

4) Child Care Home was established in 1998 and offers residential care for newborn babies and infants awaiting adoption.

baby infant example sentences

5) Rep. Carolyn Maloney grills the CDC over the practice of injecting babies and infants with multiple vaccines all at once.

6) They can be printed with any of the above poems for the loss of a child, baby, or infant .

7) Medical experts believe that unborn babies, infants, children, senior citizens and people with heart or lung problems are at even greater risk for CO poisoning.

8) For the first study, parents of 106 first- and second-grade children in France completed a questionnaire about their child's pacifier use and thumb-sucking as babies and infants .

9) This is a very personal, family decision - if the mother is infected with Hepatitis B and passes it on to her newborn baby, the infant has a 90% chance of developing a chronic infection.

10) Once the tube is placed, and the surgeon is confident that it is functioning and can be used to deliver oxygen to the baby, the infant is delivered.

11) Because the mother was not found to be positive and not given the drug "cocktail" in pregnancy that can prevent nearly every case of infection of the baby, the infant died.

12) When the United States was forced to leave, it left behind in a cemetery the remains of 72 dependents, all stillborn babies or infants .

13) We also have a page on dealing with grief which you may want to visit if you are dealing with the loss of a child, baby or infant .

14) In July 2011, the American Medical Association (AMA) declared feeding products for babies and infants that contain BPA should be banned.

example sentences with baby

15) For example, in 1968 a local hospital buried directly over the box, 20 stillborn babies and two infants who died soon after birth.

16) Especially in the prevention and treatment of rickets, it has been given to babies and infants around the world for around 50 years.

17) From birth, the baby and infant imbibes moral values and learns to control instinctual wishes so that he or she is not chastised by parents, or other agents of socialization.

18) "The behavioral development of free-living chimpanzee babies and infants ".

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