
baby fine in a sentence

1) I delivered naturally and my baby was fine .

2) Luckily, mother and baby were fine .

baby collocations
3) Mommy and baby are fine and resting and happy.

4) They hear the heartbeat, proving that the baby is indeed fine .

baby fine example sentences

5) In hospital, both Laverne and the newborn baby are fine .

6) Both mother and baby are fine .

7) Lola later suffers a fall but is relieved that the baby is fine .

8) Max discovers that the baby is fine and his sickness was another lie.

9) In the past my guppies have had babies just fine without any problems.

10) Luckily she and the baby were fine and Susan's ankle was only sprained.

11) She is then rushed to hospital, where she is told that the baby is fine .

12) His wife had had a caesarean section in hospital, and she and the baby were fine .

13) The doctor says Sahiba and her baby are fine and Ranveer saved her at the right moment.

14) The babies are fine .

example sentences with baby

15) She confirmed that she and the baby were fine and asked them not to tell Grayson where she was.

16) Now speaking English, they tell Juliet that their baby is fine, and that Ji Yeon is her name.

17) They are told that the baby is fine, but later Tina tries to persuade Peter to leave Weatherfield with her.

18) Knowing that your baby is fine without having to strain can help you adjust quickly to new situations that come after delivery.

19) And I should mention that most does have their babies just fine on their own but I still like to be present.

20) I felt like things were in kind of slow motion and saw her coming and thought ' oh she is a panicky thing, isn't she,,, that baby is fine ".

21) As long as your doctor says your baby is fine and she is happy and healthy I wouldn't worry about a thing.

22) With both A and B, no matter how much of either med researchers give to critters, their cute little babies are just fine .

23) Fortunately, they escaped but while on her way to the ED to meet Fletch and Evie, Natalie had a crash and this threatened the baby but the baby was also fine .

24) Most of times, though, the baby is just fine and as long as your baby is acting normal, there should probably not be anything to worry about.

25) She is taken to the hospital where she is told she is having a baby girl and is assured that her baby is fine .

26) An overjoyed Julio tells Consuelo she is completely cured and will recover, and most importantly, that the baby is fine and will be born.

27) Fortunately, Kim and her unborn baby are fine, but the experience really had her shaken up – and doctors told her she really needs to slow down her pregnancy style and exercise regimen.

28) ^ I 'm sure the baby is fine .

29) 'The baby was fine, she was warmly wrapped up and completely oblivious to what had happened,' said the police spokeswoman.

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