
baby doll in a sentence

1) This baby doll provides coverage without covering too much.

2) Each cake contains a small hidden baby doll .

baby collocations
3) See through baby doll usually comes with panties.

4) The baby doll's blue glass eyes winked at her.

baby doll example sentences

5) I wonder if I should get him a baby doll ?

6) Press the baby doll up into the rosca.

7) But feeding and diapering a baby doll isn't quite the same.

8) She will look stunning and sassy in this beautifully made baby doll .

9) Almost all parents give their girls little newborn baby dolls to play with.

10) baby dolls look just like him!

11) Childlike dolls and the later ubiquitous baby doll did not appear until around 1850.

12) We had a baby doll who would have been dressed up every year.

13) There are bent limb legs and arms on baby dolls called a bent limb body.

14) The baby doll was made of vinyl- smelled like regular chew toys, reckon.

example sentences with baby

15) He spotten this ugly little baby doll and just had to have it.

16) Its like little girls all dressed up pretty like some baby dolls in action.

17) dolls are usually miniatures, but baby dolls may be of true size and weight.

18) We started with baby dolls .

19) She loves playing with baby dolls and likes to have her hair brushed and styled.

20) The hobby of creating reborn baby dolls began around 1999 when doll enthusiasts wanted more realistic dolls.

21) Not quite (ever) ready for pull-on pants and too mature for baby dolls .

22) An armless baby doll rested on the sill of the window that faced the road.

23) A foul-mouthed perverted baby doll .

24) My one year old son is very interested in babies, barbies, and baby dolls .

25) But it did to my sweet baby doll, a photo-journalist of a unique sort.

26) Daniel is playing with his baby doll and he's pretending to be the Daddy.

27) The coffin is closed, and the band's members hold mutilated baby dolls up for inspection.

How to use baby in a sentence

28) Hold one of our amazingly lifelike baby dolls in your arms and feel your heart swell.

29) Barbie, Pippa, Sindy, baby dolls - I had all of them.

30) I've got an extra special 'cut and paste" job for you, baby doll .

31) It was mine as a child and I used to push my baby dolls around in it.

32) T-shirts that are tight to the body are called fitted, tailored or "baby doll " T-shirts.

33) She knows that it's against the rules but she couldn't resist snuggling her baby dolls .

34) All kids like dinosaurs, and mud puddles, and toy cars and baby dolls and play kitchens.

35) Unfortunately, they also had some odd halos which were actually dead baby dolls hanging over their heads.

36) I have to say that it is very normal for him to be interested in baby dolls .

37) Then, she place the baby doll's chubby pink arm at the feet of our astonished visitor.

38) Back in the dress-up corner the baby doll sat in the high chair ready to watch the wedding.

39) The Living Dead Dollies were horror baby dolls similar to Krypt Kiddies and based on main series dolls.

40) Body stockings, baby dolls : everything that I need to feel sensual or to address an important appointment.

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