
baby broccoli in a sentence

1) A cross between broccoli and Chinese kale, sweet baby broccoli has a sweeter flavor than ordinary broccoli.

2) Ocean Mist Farms added sweet baby broccoli to its product line in order to meet growing consumer demand for the vegetable, said Joe Feldman, vice president sales and marketing.

baby collocations
3) The Ocean Mist Farms hang tag includes "quick cook" recipes to educate shoppers on how easy and versatile it is to cook with sweet baby broccoli.

4) CASTROVILLE, Calif. – April 22, 2014 – This spring Ocean Mist Farms added a new commodity to the more than 30 fresh vegetables the company grows and sells: Sweet baby broccoli.

baby broccoli example sentences

5) Kale, Romaine Lettuce and baby Broccoli","Class":"{col0 coll}"}],"Right":[],"TokenNum":1068551066},

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20 examples of simple sentences of baby broccoli. We tried to find and publish the the words with Simple Sentences of baby broccoli
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