
baby bonus in a sentence

1) baby bonuses are an awful approach.

2) In 2001, the Singapore government started its baby bonus scheme.

baby collocations
3) I don't quite understand the mindset of the baby bonus either.

4) It was immediately dubbed the "baby Bonus" by Muldoon.

baby bonus example sentences

5) This is all tax free money, plus baby bonus cheques also tax free.

6) And stop breeding so much, get rid of the baby bonus now!

7) Immigration should equal emigration, and there should be limits to the baby bonus.

8) Aaron didn't make the case for baby bonuses, Hal Colebatch did.

9) Canada offered financial incentives, including a "baby bonus" for each child in a family.

10) Could the $850 million spent on the baby bonus be better spent on respite care for family carers?

11) The Libs introduced payments for the dole, single parents and the baby bonus...they also dismantled the white australia policy.

12) We have set aside $327 million for the baby bonus Scheme to provide parents with cash gifts for their children to lighten the financial costs of raising children.

13) Labor has introduced what purports to be a national paid parental leave scheme, but is in fact just a rebadged baby Bonus.

14) Ironically, the baby bonus did not work in Quebec, and they are now the quickest aging population and the lowest birthrate in the country.

example sentences with baby

15) Overall the worries about falling populations can be better addressed through education rather than current alternatives such as baby bonuses or tax breaks.

16) However, in the summer of 2000, Turner confessed to a relative that she had spent the baby bonuses on her own living expenses as well as her doctoral education.

17) Since 1982, Turner had taken out "baby bonuses" for all three of her children from a scholarship fund with the expectation of sending them to university.

18) Changes to fiscal policy introduced in the 2004–05 budget included a 'baby bonus', increased tax benefits for families with children, and lower income tax rates for all Australians.

19) He encouraged population growth through marriage grants and baby bonuses, which was financial compensation given to a couple when they married, and again when they had children.

20) In 1937, a reverend in the Kimberley offered a "baby bonus" to Aboriginal families as a deterrent against infanticide and to increase the birthrate of the local Indigenous population.

21) States need to intervene in population policies Initial cuts to the Australian baby bonus scheme are welcome but do not go far enough .

22) It plans to reduce the baby bonus payments for second and subsequent children from $ 5,000 to $3,000, saving more than $500 million over the forward estimates.

23) Federal Opposition Leader Tony Abbott insists the Coalition will oppose Government cuts to the baby bonus, even though treasury spokesman Joe Hockey is in favour of them.

24) "baby Bonus"

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