
baboo in a sentence

1) Sweet baboo releases new album Ships in April .

2) Built entirely with local material, baboo village is in harmony with the nature.

3) baboo and I walked for 35 minutes at Lynnie's place with the dogs.

4) baboo is the more intelligent of a dimwitted duo consisting of him and Squatt.

baboo example sentences

5) Karen changes it to baboo t. Some of the children say it; others echo it.

6) Shellshock (voiced by Richard Epcar) - A turtle monster created by Squatt and Baboo.

7) baboo is rarely confident in his mistress' plans, but would never say this to her face.

8) Squatt is a servant of Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa, the dimwitted sidekick of Baboo.

9) While the aforesaid baboo was thus returning in high dudgeon, I was closeted with Rama Kalindra Das.

10) Karen erases supermand and writes baboo n,which is read by one of the same two precocious readers.

11) She is an old friend of Rita Repulsa, and according to Squatt and Baboo, did horrible things.

12) In about two hours the transaction was finished, and all that the baboo might in future do was rendered useless.

13) When Lord Zedd took over as the main villain in the second season, Squatt and Baboo's roles were greatly reduced.

14) Squatt and baboo disappear during the "Power Rangers Zeo" series, when fleeing from the Machine Empire with his masters.

example sentences with baboo

15) At this the terrified baboo in charge of the telegraph instrument below sent the following laconic message to the Traffic Manager: "Lion fighting with station.

16) An Indian baboo (clerk), who happened to be standing near, got the full benefit of this, and the poor man was so panic-stricken that in a second he had torn off every atom of his clothing.

17) Pumpkin Rapper (voiced by Michael Sorich) - A pumpkin monster planted by Squatt and Baboo, whose jack-o-lantern head is upside down.

18) Genie (voiced by Tom Wyner) - An evil wolf-like genie released by Squatt and baboo after they obtained its lamp from Canine 4 of the Wolf's Head Galaxy.

19) baboo or at least an alien that looks like him can be seen in the first episode of Power Rangers S.P.D., where Jack and Z are handing out clothes.

20) He is a coward, and rather than fight, he and baboo often accompany Goldar, Scorpina, and monsters as they attack the Earth, cheering them on.

21) He attempted films of tragic genre occasionally like Pocket Maar (1956), "Kala Pani" (1958), Bombai Ka baboo (1960) and Sharabi (1964) and tasted success with them.

22) No ordinary hooker you, Give me some sugar, sweet baboo.

23) The Baboo/Babu Culture and the Bengal Renaissance

24) Sukhjinder (Baboo) Singh Sohal, Age 39, Jan. 13th 2005

25) Squatt and Baboo","Class":"{col0 coll}"}],"Right":[],"TokenNum":1136967468},

26) baboo Village

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