
babirusa in a sentence

1) In the wild, there tend to be few old-man babirusas.

2) The male babirusa has four tusks.

3) Head of "babirusa alfurus".

4) William Roxburgh, M.D., F.R.S. Skull of "babirusa alfurus".

babirusa example sentences

5) The babirusa, a four-tusked pig, can be found in Indonesia as well.

6) In a zoo, one of a keeper's jobs is to keep the babirusa's tusks trimmed.

7) Another theory was that the tusks protect the eyes when the babirusa is hunting for food among thorny undergrowth.

8) There are two species of endangered wild pigs in the Asian Pigs exhibit: babirusas and Visayan warty pigs.

9) Below : An aging male babirusa that appears near to the day when it slowly gores itself through its forehead.

10) Animals formerly displayed in forest zone include maned wolves, babirusa, visayan warty pigs, ring-tailed coatis and bactrian camels.

11) Located next to Realm of the Red Ape is an enclosure for Europe's first breeding pair of babirusa, and oriental small-clawed otters.

12) On the Sulawesi warty pig's native island, which it shares with the babirusa, its fortunes can depend on the religion of the people in the neighbourhood.

13) A resident of the rainforests of the Indonesian islands of Sulawesi, Buru Taliabu and Mangole, the babirusa may be the only animal in the world that given time, can gore itself to death.

14) babirusa Babyrousa babyrussa.

example sentences with babirusa

15) Sharing the Island Pigs of Asia exhibit with Visayan Warty Pigs, the nearly hairless babirusa Pigs have a skin care regime that includes mud "facials" and regular baths.

16) Babirusa,

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