
babbler in a sentence

1) The quarterly newsletter is "Vic Babbler".

2) Suddenly, a babbler approached the pool.

3) A few babblers were wandering around the edges, sipping the water.

4) The Greek word for babbler is " spermalogos.

babbler example sentences

5) Genus "Pseudoalcippe" - African hill babbler.

6) Meanwhile, the babbler gang came back to the pool.

7) One can see Rufous babblers foraging in noisy groups.

8) She is quite the babbler, and she has many new "words.

9) The story of the babblers and the brahminy isn't quite finished yet.

10) Anyway, blabber babbler, here are my answers to The Writer Tag.

11) Along with its many other fauna and flora it has Jerdon's Babbler.

12) If you are a "babbler," you know the order of your prayer!

13) The Brahminy did not look once towards the babbler, but he knew what was coming.

14) A proper understanding of the Greek word translated "babbler" sheds a much different light on the situation.

example sentences with babbler

15) Proverbs 20:19 Whoever goes about slandering reveals secrets; therefore do not associate with a simple babbler.

16) They despised his doctrine in their hearts, and esteemed it very ridiculous, calling the apostle a babbler.

17) Just then a bunch of common babblers come along, jostling and scrambling till the edge of the water.

18) Now look at this picture, and tell me if he isn't picking his nose at the babblers!

19) The diversity of taxa that exhibits cooperation is quite large, ranging from zebra herds to pied babblers to African elephants.

20) Of course, when the... The drongo and babbler look different, but one can masterfully impersonate the other.

21) During our final discussion everyone is encouraged to post their questions and comments with respect to other babblers on the thread .

22) For example, Chestnut-crowned babbler ("Pomatostomus ruficeps") has been found to have high rates of kin selection.

23) They wait for an unsuspecting pied babbler or meerkat to find an especially tasty morsel such as a lizard or cricket.

24) Drive south to Goulemine searching for local specialities, before dusk we will search for Scrub Warbler and Fulvous Babbler.

25) Other species we will search for include Fulvous Babbler, Hoopoe Lark, African Desert Warbler and Brown-necked Raven.

26) babblers kept up their constant chatter as they moved in a cloud from tree to ground and back to tree again.

27) Neelakantan, K. K. (1957): Hypnotic behaviour of a Whiteheaded babbler ("Turdoides striatus").

28) Krug is a mere common babbler, without vigour or strength, who is hardly fit to keep a tobacconist's shop.

29) They often take over and renovate old babbler nests, in which the female lays and incubates two or rarely three eggs.

30) Results indicate that new varieties like Babbler, Camm, H45, Mitre and Giles performed better both for yield (Table 2) and falling numbers (Table 3).

31) Calling Paul a "babbler," as the KJV states, sounds like a term of derision that showed lack of respect for Paul.

32) The intellectuals in Athens called Paul a "babbler" and then brought him to Mars Hill to learn more of what he had to say.

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