
asset backing in a sentence

1) This may be particularly important in service industries where there may be limited net asset backing.

2) Income on any overseas assets backing this policy may be subject to a local withholding tax.

backing collocations
3) The return generated in 2012 is on total assets backing with profits policies and is stated pre-tax and charges.

4) ABCP investors started to worry about the value of the asset backing their ABCP and stopped rolling over their position.

asset backing example sentences

5) Our view: • A China participating product specification Different investment strategies result in different allocations of assets backing the liability.

6) Clerical Medical is liable to United Kingdom tax on the income and certain gains arising from the assets backing this policy.

7) The same source estimated Knighton's asset backing at as much as £25m, mainly in the form of property in the north of England and Scotland.

8) The Westfield Group for example recommends on their securities using the ratios of the net tangible asset backing (NTA) of each part.

9) In addition, the capital gains charge over assets backing UK long-term business liabilities will be extended to assets located outside the UK.

10) If a Company has a PBV of less than 1 then it means that the share price is supported by strong asset backing and it may indicate that the downside to the share price is restricted.

11) financial position (asset backing, working capital ratios, borrowing levels)

12) Net asset backing of entities in the GPT Group

13) Net asset backing per security

14) At no point would the value of the dollar fall below 1 oz./$, but note that the banker could not survive the run if he did not have adequate assets backing the dollars he has issued.

example sentences with backing

15) Net asset Backing","Class":"{col0 coll}"}],"Right":[],"TokenNum":1209705834}

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