
alter balance in a sentence

1) Just one ski radically alters the ecological balance of things.

2) These demographic changes permanently altered the ethnic balance in the region.

balance collocations
3) The Northern vote has politically and psychologically altered the post-war balance.

4) The impacts that can alter the balances of her elements.

alter balance example sentences

5) Mugabe's targets were intended to alter the ethnic balance of land ownership.

6) The influx of this advanced weaponry altered an already shaky balance of power.

7) Each year new species and adaptations alter the balance of their ecosystems .

8) Endocrine-disrupting chemicals ( EDCs) alter the hormone balance of humans and animals.

9) Because it's pH neutral, it won't alter the water chemistry balance.

10) Anthropogenic pollution can alter this balance by changing the relative distribution of the elements.

11) Factors such as temperature and pressure will alter this balance, thus changing the solubility.

12) He concluded that the Soviets having 340 would not therefore substantially alter the strategic balance.

13) Turkey's large population would alter the balance of power in the representative European institutions.

14) Does control of the intelligent house's preferences alter the balance of power within the family?

example sentences with balance

15) Again, however, Congress avoided radical departures that would alter the balance among competing interests.

16) A low temperature under 250° F will not alter the mineral balance in the salt!

17) By adding the extra fat, you will have altered the balance of the diet.

18) The appearance of this advanced missile radically alters the balance of strength on the Syrian battlefield.

19) Economic changes also had the effect of altering the balance of availability and quality of musicians.

20) This balance was altered by the inclusion of the majority Chinese Singapore, upsetting many Malays.

21) Small changes in numbers may radically alter the balance and change the medium of play and instruction.

22) Mr Shin said the renovations altered the balance of the ship and undermined its anti-rolling ability.

23) How much would that have altered the balance of power in two teams and two conferences?

24) These changes have the effect of altering intercompany balances among segments, thus altering reported total segment assets.

25) Makhno's forces arrived within days, altering the balance of power in the anarchist's favor.

26) As things stand, the Mavericks have altered the balance of power in the Western Conference somewhat.

27) However, this policy only reduces the precision of conclusions, without altering the general balance of power.

How to use balance in a sentence

28) While the Hawks lost to Washington, they had nonetheless altered the balance of the Big Ten.

29) It has also been argued that changes in patterns of work may alter the balance of domestic work.

30) Radiative forcing is a measure of how various factors alter the energy balance of the Earth's atmosphere.

31) The project fundamentally alters the balance of power in Asia and the world for a number of reasons .

32) Commentators claimed that Hussein's speech did nothing less than alter the strategic balance in the Middle East.

33) Thus if management alters the vegetation cover of sites, it is likely to alter the greenhouse gas balance.

34) The accession of Turkey to the European Union would dramatically alter the balance of power within the EU.

35) When completed next year, it will help to alter the balance of power in the global gold industry.

36) The financial balance was altered – he was spending more money than he was making to keep his farm going.

37) This is not only beneficial to the body because its acid-base balance is altered : the blood becomes alkaline.

38) Those arguing against emancipation expressed fears that it inadvertently would alter the delicate balance of political power in the state.

39) Due to rising tensions over slavery, Congress had decided not to alter the balance between slave and free states.

40) Snakeheads prey on fishes, crustaceans, reptiles, and sometimes even birds– altering the balance of native species.

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