
Berkley bait in a sentence

1) The unique aspect of the tournament is that only Berkley baits can be used.

2) Classic: Which Berkley bait?

bait collocations
3) However, there is one catch to the tournament: Berkley baits are the only baits allowed.

4) He was also awarded a Berkley prize package that included rods, reels and Berkley baits and line.

Berkley bait example sentences

5) Berkley bait, line and rod managers will also be doing seminars, taking anglers behind the scenes of the company.

6) Skeet Reese told BassFan last week that the new Crazy Leg Chigger Craw would be the Berkley bait that would play the biggest role in the outcome of the Bassmaster Classic.

7) The Juice Worm, one of several new Berkley HAVOC baits introduced at the Bassmaster Classic, was designed by Boyd Duckett to be an extremely versatile bait.

8) Lake Fork Marina will have a good selection of Berkley baits for sale if anglers have not already stocked up prior to the tournament.

9) A field of nearly 200 anglers participated in the unique event (only Berkley baits could be used) and more than $40,000 in cash and prizes was awarded.

10) "The tournament is a fun format to expose anglers to the full spectrum of Berkley baits," said Berkley marketing director Andrew Marks.

11) "The anglers are learning about the full spectrum of Berkley baits in a fun and rewarding way," said Berkley marketing manager Andrew Marks.

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