Balthazar in a sentence
1) This theme is clear in the sole actions of Balthazar.
2) In season 5 it flashes during Balthazar Getty's credit.
3) They confront Balthazar, but are interrupted by Raphael.
4) Onaelia and Balthazar are appointed to protect Sebastian in his youth.
Balthazar example sentences
5) Patrick Doyle as Balthazar, Don Pedro's musician.6) A boy named Balthazar cannot decide what he wants for Christmas.
7) Stephano – Nerissa's disguise as Balthazar's law clerk.
8) Stephen Tobolowsky as Lars Balthazar, a famous cellist.
9) LISA Balthazar has published over 100 books, including several award-winning and bestselling titles.
10) She is forced to taker Balthazar's life, and then her own.
11) It has also been attributed to the diplomat and painter Sir Balthazar Gerbier.
12) Joseph Balthazar Inginac also continued as the President's secretary and right hand.
13) Twelve Who were Balthazar, Melchior, and Gaspar?
14) Balthazar Martinot (1636-1714) French clockmaker.
example sentences with Balthazar
15) Santa gets Hoppy back for Balthazar.16) The operation had been conducted by troops from Gurunagar, where Brig. Balthazar was based.
17) Bel-imperia intends to torment an amorous Balthazar, the killer of her former lover.
18) After John and Angela leave, Balthazar is destroyed by a Mammon possessed individual.
19) Balthazar is revealed to have sold it to the boy in return for his soul.
20) Meanwhile, Houchard had been replaced by Alexis Balthazar de Schauenburg on 5 August.
21) She holds Morgana inside long enough for Balthazar to trap them both in a special jar.
22) Barret Oliver as Bastian Balthazar Bux, a young boy with a large imagination.
23) Chelsea Market, Balthazar (restaurant), and The Mercer Hotel in business.
24) Sam uses an Enochian ritual to summon Balthazar, in "Appointment in Samarra".
25) Don Andrea and Hieronimo are eternally connected through their want of vengeance against Lorenzo and Balthazar.
26) Balthazar claims he had saved the Titanic simply because he detested the movie and subsequent eponymous song.
27) If you have been to Balthazar New York the décor delivers a profound sense of déjà -vu .
How to use Balthazar in a sentence
28) When Balthazar finds the squirrel Hoppy with them, he decides he wants to keep him.29) Jeremy Irons as Antonio and Lynn Collins as Portia playing Balthazar are also quite good.
30) Balthazar is thus depicted as black, but has been traditionally portrayed by a white actor in blackface.
31) She uses her class and beauty to seduce Horatio, in an effort to make Balthazar jealous.
32) Balthazar has raced well in both career outings for Dale Romans, more logical chalk with Rosario riding.
33) King Balthazar answers Amahl's questions about his life as a king and asks what Amahl does.
34) Following the assassination of Verwoerd, Balthazar Johannes Vorster took over as party leader and prime minister.
35) Muse performed there during their 2013 Unsustainable Tour, with Belgian bands Balthazar and SX as support.
36) Merlin has three apprentices he is teaching his magic to, Balthazar Blake, Maxim Horvath and Veronica.
37) Balthazar Ugry, not only evil, but with a terrible smell, seems to be the culprit.
38) We currently have five ferrets: Trixie, Balthazar, Cauliflower, Koosh, and Gabrielle.
39) She is forced to marry Balthazar, her lover's murderer by her father, the duke of Castile.
40) Charles Balthazar Julien Févret de Saint-Mémin painted a profile portrait of the 13-year-old Theodosia Burr in 1796.
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