
Balcon in a sentence

1) Balcon was sensible enough to forget his scruples and accept.

2) Subsequently, both Dean and Balcon had trouble with their respective boards.

3) Would seriously recommend the restaurant El Balcon de la Virgin in the old town.

4) Attempts from within to knock the dust off Ealing cosiness were crushed by Balcon.

Balcon example sentences

5) Ich steig' ja nur auf den Balcon!

6) In other areas too, Balcon was finding that Mayer's promise of autonomy was worthless.

7) Balcon was the sort of producer the British film industry had needed for a long time.

8) In 1933, Hitchcock was once again working for Michael Balcon at Gaumont-British Picture Corporation.

9) Balcon was unique among these émigrés from the Midlands in that he remained only a producer.

10) I haven't tried it, but one part crossed my "Balcon du Nord" riding.

11) Not, of course, that all the policies of the mature Balcon emerged at this period.

12) Day-Lewis was born in London, the son of poet Cecil Day-Lewis and English actress Jill Balcon.

13) Ancient cannons can be found by the Balcon de Europa which were used to fend off pirate Berber raids.

14) As well as continuing production at Gaumont-British, the company took a stake in Balcon's Gainsborough company.

example sentences with Balcon

15) From one side you will see it as a symmetric pyramid, whose branches are covered with huge ice Balcons.

16) To encourage this aspect of the town an annual "Balcon Fleuri" (flowered balcony) competition is held.

17) Born and raised in London, he is the son of Poet Laureate Cecil Day-Lewis and actress Jill Balcon.

18) There are views across the gorge from the "balcon" road, but those views were mostly of distant trees.

19) Gauthier and Ste-Croix were managing a youth hostel for performing artists named "Le Balcon Vert" at that time.

20) Serving Cuban cuisine, El Balcon specialises in seafood, and the lobster rolls are a can't-miss item.

21) For a year both men were employed there as part of a deal by producer Michael Balcon of Gainsborough Pictures.

22) It was produced again in 2014 at the théatre de l'Athénée, in Paris by the orchestra le balcon.

23) And it was Balcon who, as part-time chairman, steered the policies of Bryanston, the main source of independent finance.

24) He argued, along with Balcon, Pearson and Woolf, that it would do nothing to achieve the FBI's objectives.

25) Before I started wearing my Breast-Arrest my physics career was in a shambles, for my ample Balcon kept plopping into my radium, disrupting one experiment after another.

26) The pop explosion that eclipsed Sammy Going South at the box office was the end of the road for Bryanston, and Balcon's career in commercial filmmaking.

27) The problem for Balcon and the Ealing cronies who mostly peopled the Bryanston board was how, after years of looking inwards to British themes, to define the international film.

28) It was the veteran Michael Balcon who blocked Sydney Box's takeover of British Lion in late 1963, and had the unenviable task of trying to put an end to faction within the board.

29) Arthur Rank was no longer applying pressure on him to make bigger, more ambitious pictures, and Balcon was very much his own man.

30) Balcon's strengthened determination to impose his own world-view on the studio's pictures accounts for the declining ambition of Ealing's production at this time.

31) Balcon was forced off the CFC, where places were found both for Alexander Korda, who shared the new mogul's enthusiasm for 'bigger and bigger films,' and for Rank himself.

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