
Babylonian Exile in a sentence

1) The Babylonian Exile was characterized by physical suffering and oppression.

2) After the Babylonian Exile this process was reduced.

Babylonian collocations
3) After the Babylonian exile, the Targum was completely forgotten.

4) The personification of evil external to man entered Judaism during the Babylonian exile.

Babylonian Exile example sentences

5) The first historical references to the Samaritans date from the Babylonian Exile.

6) In the temple rebuilt after the Babylonian Exile the Golden Altar was restored.

7) The Babylonian Exile was assigned a moment of redemption in terms of a duration for suffering.

8) The Modern Ketubah document traces its roots back to the period of the Babylonian exile.

9) Again Isaiah is referring to a particular time and situation that led to the Babylonian exile.

10) The second was officiated over by Ezra upon the Jews' return from the Babylonian exile.

11) Some Jews appear to have lived there after the return from the Babylonian exile, however.

12) Some suggest that strict monotheism developed during the Babylonian Exile, perhaps in reaction to Zoroastrian dualism.

13) He then applies this to both the Babylonian Exile and the Exile that we are currently in.

14) Their "Babylonian exile" lasted for two years and three months from January 1704 to April 1706.

example sentences with Babylonian

15) Many of these critics argued that this section of scripture was written some time after the Babylonian exile.

16) The Book of Job is a book whose final version is dated after the Babylonian Exile of the Jews.

17) Biblical Hebrew from after the Babylonian Exile in 587 BCE is known as 'Late Biblical Hebrew'.

18) It was a tropical paradise for the planters, a Babylonian Exile for the Africans shipped to the Caribbean.

19) According to traditional rabbinic dating, this took place about fifty-two years after the start of the Babylonian Exile.

20) Zerubbabel was a grandson of King Jehoiachin and the legitimate heir to David's throne after the Babylonian exile.

21) Almost five hundred years had elapsed since the Second Temple had been built by those who returned from the Babylonian Exile.

22) The need for a second festival day arises from problems encountered by Jews living in the Diaspora following the Babylonian exile.

23) The miniseries's depicts the prophet Isaiah as a contemporary of Daniel, living during the time of the Babylonian exile.

24) Communication with the Judeans seems to have dried up during the Babylonian Exile of the latter, and never to have resumed.

25) The Babylonian Exile, Antiochene persecutions, and corrupt leadership in Jerusalem incited apocalyptic responses with a vision for a New Jerusalem.

26) Lived at the transition from Babylonian Exile to the rise of Persian Cyrus who permitted the Jews to return to their homeland.

27) In Biblical tradition, we find the same archetypal dynamics as the G8 today represents echoed through slavery in Egypt, the Babylonian exile, and the persecution of the early Christians.

28) Again, in Ezra 2:13 we learn that following the Babylonian Exile 666 males of the sub-clan of Adonikam returned safely to Israel.

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