
Baby Ruth in a sentence

1) Baby Ruth - for the student who loves baseball 8.

2) Chocolate said in Sloth voice: No Baby Ruth's here.

baby collocations
3) He was sponsored by Carolina Ford Dealers in 1991 and Baby Ruth in 1992.

4) One long-term survivor of the craze over Ruth may be the Baby Ruth candy bar.

Baby Ruth example sentences

5) Eating a Baby Ruth candy bar, he says, gives him the energy he needs.

6) The Ruth estate licensed his likeness for use in an advertising campaign for Baby Ruth in 1995.

7) Due to a marketing arrangement, in 2005, the Baby Ruth bar became the official candy bar of Major League Baseball.

8) Men, women, and children come to listen and to buy soft drinks; in case of a particularly bloody fight, they also buy peanut patties and Baby Ruths.

9) Between classes, Kevin followed Mary Ruth down the hall, intoning, "Baby Ruth, Baby Ruth, teensy-weensy Baby Ruth." Mary Ruth tried to pretend she didn't hear him, but Kevin's taunts upset her.

10) Between classes, Kevin followed Mary Ruth down the hall, intoning, "Baby Ruth, Baby Ruth, teensy-weensy Baby Ruth." Mary Ruth tried to pretend she didn't hear him, but Kevin's taunts upset her.

11) Between classes, Kevin followed Mary Ruth down the hall, intoning, "Baby Ruth, Baby Ruth, teensy-weensy Baby Ruth." Mary Ruth tried to pretend she didn't hear him, but Kevin's taunts upset her.

12) Actress Angela Kinsey infused her character with some of her own personal preferences, including bobble-head dolls, cats, party-planning and Baby Ruth candy bars.

13) The sign, which read "Baby Ruth", was just across the street from where Ruth's home run had landed.

14) In 1997, during the period in which Hawkman's continuity was considered hopelessly complicated and the character was in limbo, Hawkman was the star of a tongue in cheek Baby Ruth commercial.

example sentences with baby

15) The scene in which swimmers mistake a Baby Ruth candy bar floating in the pool for a piece of excrement was filmed at Plantation Country Club in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

16) The scene involving a Baby Ruth candy bar being thrown into the swimming pool was based on a real-life incident at Doyle-Murray's high school.

17) A building across from deep right-center field was topped by a neon sign for Baby Ruth candy beginning in the mid-1930s and running for some 40 years.

18) The slugger later sought to market candy bearing his name; he was refused a patent because of the existence of the Baby Ruth bar.

19) She had seen this expression, this lack of expression, this closing in and down, on the face of the demon Baby Ruth had once been.

20) "Your name should be Baby Ruth," Kevin jeered.

21) "A Rose and a Baby Ruth" – w.m. John D. Loudermilk

22) I used my four pennies to buy four tiny Baby Ruth candy bars and rationed myself to one a day. – Frankie Laine

23) Baby Ruth","Class":"{col0 coll}"}],"Right":[],"TokenNum":1172669027},

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