
B side in a sentence

1) Not many bands would play a rare B side.

2) It was pressed with its A and B sides reversed.

3) The B side was a track called "Bad Trip".

4) Shakespears Sister Stay is the B side track.

B side example sentences

5) The B side was "King Porter Stomp".

6) Sadly it's already happening at Serie B side Triestina.

7) This is the B side of the new single and truly atrocious.

8) He was capped by both the England U21 and England B sides.

9) Magical Express is on Level 1, below the B side baggage claim area.

10) All this is even easier to implement given a separate B side complete computer system .

11) They proceeded to the dock doors on the B side and entered the building.

12) The viscosity of the combined A and B sides is relatively low at 50 cps.

13) The B side of the MC contained the instrumental version of all of the songs.

14) It is me tracked 16 times singing a doo-wop B side from the '60s!

example sentences with 0

15) Literally as we were mixing the B side he was over here cutting the A side.

16) Following the B side VCA, another four-way switch also participates in the configuration function.

17) The B side was "I've Got Your Number" written by Bonnie Lake.

18) But expect our B side is better than Sunderlands A selection, and by a margin.

19) Window openings which were present in the stairwell on the B side were also covered with plywood.

20) Fundamentally, a writer should always be looking for the 'B side' to a character.

21) The B side "Heart Out Of Love" was co-written by Jeremy Bird and Tench.

22) The 6 song one sided 12" featured an etching on the B side by artist Nikki McClure.

23) The B side meanwhile took a classic Archie Whitewater cut and slowed it down for some serious laid-back goodness.

24) Two stairwells existed, but only one stairwell (B side) extended from the basement to the roof.

25) In 1974, Carl Douglas recorded 'Kung Fu fighting' in only 10 minutes as a B side.

26) They went down the stairwell and out onto the loading dock on the B side where they changed air bottles.

27) They are now updating the B side computer so it can manage the mission while they work on the primary .

How to use 0 in a sentence

28) The song was included on the B side of some versions of their number 1 hit "The Chicken Song".

29) The B side was a dance number "My Arms Keep Missing You", which was successful in mainland Europe.

30) Protest singer and activist Baez dedicated the entire B side of her album "Where Are You Now, My Son?

31) Many of Nelson's early records were double hits with both the A and B sides hitting the "Billboard" charts.

32) The hardcoats descriBed in this work are made by adding an isocyanate A side to a B side containing a polycarbonate diol.

33) Well no y she couldn't put the B side in cos she s you've got to put the A in.

34) With Rubik's Domino it is not possible to use quarter turns for the L, R, F and B sides.

35) Controllers then switched channels on the DIU from the A side to the B side and then back to the A side.

36) The song was recorded again in Nashville and released as the B side to Vincent's Woman Love . But it was the Be-Bop-A-Lula side that the record spinners in the radio stations played.

37) As we were mixing the B side, this guy called Calvin Mark Lee, who worked for the record company, was actually off at Philips cutting the A side.

38) So even if I come to the last sound on the A side, I can turn the record over to the B side and continue my games at a leisurely pace until it finishes.

39) The recordings were divided between the A and B side according to the order of the stations, and the endless locking ring at the end of each side had the shrill sound of the train's departure bell.

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