
word attest in a sentence

1) The word is attested in Old Persian as "".

2) The earliest Greek word attested is σάκχαρις ("sákkharis").

attest collocations
3) First of all, the word is otherwise not attested as referring to Capricorn.

4) The "Oxford English Dictionary" first attests the word "syncretism" in English in 1618.

word attest example sentences

5) Forms of this word are attested in several ancient Semitic languages, including "kamūnu" in Akkadian.

6) The English word is attested from 1590, an Irish surname Cossack has existed since the 12th century.

7) The Hungarian word is first attested as a proper name from 1269, and as a title from around 1282.

8) In English the word is attested from the 16th century (and in late 19th century in American English).

9) The word was still widely attested, however, in the specific sense of grammatical gender (the assignment of nouns to categories such as masculine, feminine and neuter ).

10) The word is attested in Herodotus, who wrote some of the first surviving Greek prose, but this might not have been before 440 or 430 BC.

11) English words first attested in Chaucer are a set of about two thousand English words that Geoffrey Chaucer is credited as being the first use found today in existing manuscripts.

12) Any paradigm selected would be subject to these constraints and if applied to the language universally would result in false constructs, hypothetical words not attested in the Old Latin corpus.

13) The word was first attested in English in 1691 in the form "orang-outang", and variants with "-ng" instead of "-n" as in the Malay original are found in many languages.

14) The word is first attested in English in 1628, at a time when the word "prudence" had the now obsolete meaning of "knowledge of or skill in a matter".

example sentences with attest

15) The English word "elf" is from the Old English word most often attested as "ælf" (whose plural would have been *"ælfe").

16) The word is attested since 1930, and in the earliest citations it is defined as a thoroughfare to which the abutting owners have no right of direct access.

17) English words first attested in Chaucer

18) The Greek word is attested in Plato's dialogue "Timaeus", already referring to a spherical Earth, explaining the relativity of the terms "above" and "below":

19) "Facetiously" is among the few other words directly attested in OED with single occurrences of all five vowels and the semivowel "y".

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