
win award in a sentence

1) He twice won awards for teaching excellence.

2) Remember, graphic novels win awards too.

award collocations
3) I teach school and win awards doing it.

4) Those films won awards at lots of international film festivals.

win award example sentences

5) Groups engage in competitions to win awards.

6) He also continued winning awards and collecting honorary degrees.

7) She won awards in national fiddle championships while still a teenager.

8) He has won awards and accolades for years .

9) You didn't care about winning awards.

10) Joseph Sr. once won award from city sanitation department .

11) He writes music, and his original scores win awards.

12) Common with one particular company that wins awards.

13) He has won awards for his work.

14) Chilean films also began to win awards at noted international festivals.

example sentences with award

15) It has also won awards for team spirit and engineering design.

16) His art exhibitions won awards in Italy and abroad.

17) Maxine enjoys photography and has won awards for her photographs.

18) Chung won awards in different music platforms based on this song.

19) The ARC has won awards for its unique interior design.

20) Many games in the series have won awards.

21) It appears they happened last night, and games won awards .

22) Everyone says its totally hip and it wins awards again.

23) Musically, the high school band has won awards.

24) I've won awards and constantly get incredible feedback from clients.

25) Several former participants have won awards such as the Fields medal.

26) It has won awards for its beautification efforts.

27) State records indicate that he won awards for his actions.

How to use award in a sentence

28) It has won awards for its use of sheet metal.

29) Many of its expansions have also won awards.

30) Note that none of these models mentions anything about winning awards.

31) This is the 3rd year I've won awards here.

32) The couple won awards for their calendars in 1996 and 1999 .

33) It's also been incredibly rewarding receiving positive reviews and winning awards.

34) Drusillas wins awards for its customer service and catering.

35) If you have won awards for writing, mention that.

36) She had also won awards for Madonna's Frozen.

37) Many of the shows have won awards for their creativity.

38) They make those movies because they want to win awards .

39) Visually amazing, won awards for best graphics and shows it.

40) Anime productions are also nominated and win awards not exclusively for anime.

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