
wield axe in a sentence

1) People who wielded axes and carving knives.

2) He wields twin axes that can inflict serious damage.

axe collocations
3) Some of them wielded axes, taken from firefighters.

4) He carries and wields a large pole axe.

wield axe example sentences

5) Why does anyone wield an axe to maim and murder?

6) He wielded an axe that he could throw and control across distance.

7) Alexander was struck and killed by an unknown assailant wielding an axe.

8) He wields a black axe and whip of flame as his weapons.

9) He wields a huge battle axe.

10) Orc warriors wear little armor but have horned helmets and carry wielding axes.

11) Warriors ready for combat can be seen wielding battle axes high above their heads.

12) He wields two axes in battle.

13) He uses his physical strength to wield twin axes and to fight alongside his Titans.

14) It wields an axe that is only slightly shorter than the robot's total height.

example sentences with axe

15) wielding an axe and two machetes, they "terrorized" a black man.

16) The Hybrid grunt looks like a huge blue muscle man on steroids and wields an axe.

17) Almost from its first departmental production meeting Doctor Who found itself the target of several wielded axes.

18) Last month, Guo'an finally wielded the axe and the Musketeers went their separate ways.

19) Yes, to wield an axe was my perpetrator's conscious choice to evoke terror with magnum force.

20) And even wielded axes.

21) No club who have wielded the axe so late in the campaign have saved themselves from the drop .

22) They usually wore mail and iron helmets and wielded sparth axes, claymores, and sometimes spears or lances.

23) She goes down a ladder and has a vision of a man wielding an axe and a terrified girl.

24) Did Noah, in the movie, run around wielding an axe with the intent of murdering his family?

25) Viking axes were wielded with one hand or two, depending on the length of the plain wooden haft.

26) Bottomley wields the axe.

27) It consists of characters who wield axes and hammers as their weapons, which they can swing with great ease.

How to use axe in a sentence

28) Screaming men wielding axes, swords and spears as they run into a stadium that has flaming rocks flying over head.

29) The Sunderland manager is ready to wield the axe after getting fed up of the lack of discipline among his players.

30) The White Lions are powerfully built and stronger than most Elves, and in battle they wield fearsome double-handed war axes.

31) BNP's unions have howled at Mr Pébereau's appointment, fearing that he will not hesitate to wield the axe.

32) I should prefer to watch him in the primeval forests of his native land, wielding an axe against some giant tree.

33) In the Bat Ayin axe attack, children in Bat Ayin were attacked by a Palestinian wielding an axe and a knife.

34) Executioner is a fictional character, a supervillian in the, Skurge, an Asgardian who wielded a magic double-bladed battle axe.

35) The son of a sailor lost at sea, Calloc'h was described as terrifying in battle, wielding an antique sailor's axe of the sort formerly used in boarding ships.

36) The Emperor monitors entry through the gates of heaven, and is flanked by his senior officers, one bearing a light to illuminate the path, the other wielding an axe to administer justice.

37) I've seen lots of pictures of people wielding axes mostly in movie posters where the one swinging (generally with a bloody blade) always has bulging eyes.

38) The assailants, wielding axes, knives, spears and automatic weapons, were later identified by residents as supporters of the Inkatha Freedom Party from a nearby hostel housing migrant workers.

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