
well attest in a sentence

1) This list includes societies that are well attested by reliable sources.

2) Basil's liturgical influence is well attested in early sources.

attest collocations
3) Appeal to the king was allowed and is well attested.

4) In this regard, the classics are not as well attested.

well attest example sentences

5) The years of his youth are not well attested before 401 BC.

6) Egypt can well attest to that.

7) Only traces of masculines are extant, but feminines are fairly well attested.

8) The consumption of Soma by human beings is well attested in Vedic ritual.

9) Ritual decapitation is well attested from Maya hieroglyphic texts throughout the Classic period.

10) The metallurgical industry is well attested at Pylos, where 400 workers were employed.

11) By the 4th century, the doctrine of perpetual virginity had been well attested.

12) The usage of the name Yuḥanna is well attested in the western Arabian peninsula.

13) The development of the zodiac in Mesopotamia and Greece is well attested by sources.

14) The language is relatively well attested compared to other Native American languages of the period.

example sentences with attest

15) The story may be true since instances of such zeal are well attested for Christian antiquity.

16) Despite these few tombstones, the main cemeteries of Corbridge are not well attested.

17) It has been well attested that New World slave-plantation society was the laboratory of modern racism.

18) Some disappeared subsequently; for example, the Sampsaeans are not well attested in later sources.

19) We concur that consumers embracing mobile platforms is a major factor, as Nintendo can well attest.

20) Superheavy CV:C and CVCC syllables are well attested word-finally in specific verb forms.

21) The accent is well attested in American movies and television shows, especially ones about American mobsters.

22) While Greenberg groups Tzeltal with the proposed Penutian superfamily, this hypothesis is not well attested.

23) Huni is not a well attested pharaoh; most of the attestations only point indirectly to him.

24) The Goths sang heroic songs to worship their ancestors, and their tradition of tribal songs is well attested.

25) This version is not well attested but would solve a number of apparent contradictions in early Northern Wei history.

26) Contact between indigenous Americans and the Norse of Greenland as early as the 11th century is well attested.

27) It is well attested that this concern led the Chronicler to de-emphasize the failures of David and Solomon.

How to use attest in a sentence

28) The tradition of their visit to Babylon is well attested by the Synaxaria and the reports of the pilgrims.

29) The stories of his ability and success as a preacher border indeed on the miraculous, but are well attested.

30) Two scripts are well attested from before the end of the fourth millennium BCE: Mesopotamian cuneiform and Egyptian hieroglyphs.

31) It is not mentioned in the holy Qur'an but it is well attested by almost all the historians.

32) The "High Kirk" title is older, being attested well before the building's brief period as a cathedral.

33) Massacres, and grotesque ways of killing people, are very well attested from the tense times of war, including immurement.

34) Names in these last two categories, which are not well attested for any time period, I have written in italics.

35) The foundations of Kim Jung Il's power lies in the military, and this is well attested by the 'pro-military politics' of the DPRK.

36) Screening is much more widely available – although there are still doubts about the cost and benefits.Screening for neural tube defects and Downs Syndrome is now routine and well attested.

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