
want autonomy in a sentence

1) Employees want autonomy and opportunities to grow.

2) They want autonomy for local govern- ment.

autonomy collocations
3) Initially it emerged they wanted autonomy for Khuzestan.

4) Some Communists favored a centralized Soviet state, while nationalists wanted autonomy for the borderlands.

want autonomy example sentences

5) In my own experience as a chief resident, I know that residents still want autonomy.

6) A significant majority in Buganda wanted autonomy with the Kabaka as the symbol of Buganda self-determination.

7) In 2006, Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama declared that "Tibet wants autonomy, not independence.

8) It wants autonomy and the freedom to choose its own path to economic development and access to advanced technology and overseas markets.

9) The Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front, whose leaders are Tigreans, wants autonomy and elections, but no votes for feudalists and capitalists.

10) Beauty is for the most part intrinsic, and we want autonomy, we want to able to be responsible and take control of all aspects of our lives.

11) But Islamabad still seems not to have listened to the key Baloch grievance: we want to profit from our natural wealth, and we want autonomy.

12) Initially it emerged the terrorists wanted autonomy for Khuzestan; later they demanded the release of 91 of their comrades held in Iranian jails.

13) " If they want autonomy here they should give it to Albanians in the south, to the Hungarian and Bosnian (minorities), Mripa said.

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