
viewing audience in a sentence

1) Those groups not acting were the home viewing audience.

2) CBS's message to its viewing audience was unmistakable.

audience collocations
3) ESPN broadcast the game to a national live viewing audience.

4) It is not appropriate for a general viewing audience".

viewing audience example sentences

5) You can aim the whole thing directly at your viewing audience.

6) This was up against sports programs expected to have high viewing audiences.

7) If the viewing audience is still into toilet humor and jr .

8) It provoked protest and outrage from Christian groups and viewing audiences everywhere.

9) The viewing audience voted Noll into the Top 12.

10) Instead, the much more sophisticated viewing audience finds the obvious hoax hilarious.

11) The TV viewing audience has to have the situation explained to them.

12) There is another concern here that Rosin smugly showcases for her viewing audience.

13) Music variety programs such as "Zvezde Granda" consistently draws large viewing audiences.

14) Market economics requires producers of documentaries to attract a voluntary viewing audience with quality products.

example sentences with audience

15) Some clues are only given to the viewing audience, added in during post-production.

16) The series featured two hosts who acknowledged and presented directly to the home viewing audience.

17) The stats show that video with audio bring a higher retention rate in the viewing audience.

18) The Top 10 then trimmed to a Top 5 after the American viewing audience voted.

19) The service was broadcast live on ABC Television to a viewing audience of 1.45 million.

20) And they made their demands on live TV, in front of the viewing audience.

21) It's certainly worth a try but reactions of the viewing audience should be carefully monitored.

22) viewing audience for the first part reached 1.5 million, 8% of the viewing total.

23) In December 2008, Bupa doctors criticised UK soaps for presenting unhealthy role models to viewing audiences.

24) It was watched by more than 52 million Americans, over half of the US viewing audience.

25) A large portion of the viewing audience were fooled until the directors revealed they were "only joking.

26) What's more, she made an entire viewing audience believe she was capable of achieving those goals.

27) The fight took place at 10 AM local time, in order to accommodate an international viewing audience.

How to use audience in a sentence

28) The number marked the highest viewing audience of the series since the show's second episode four weeks prior.

29) So, a smaller percentage of the viewing audience is actually watching the commercials - smaller than ever before!

30) Meanwhile, the Parents Television Council complained of efforts to "deluge their young viewing audiences with adult themes.

31) That, in a nutshell, will determine just how attractive channel subscriptions are to YouTube's viewing audience.

32) The Penguins' third game of the playoffs attracted the third-highest regional viewing audience all-time for a Penguins game.

33) Cablevision received significant discount on a package of networks that account for nearly 20% of the total viewing audience.

34) The show had the second largest viewing audience around the world, beaten only by the audience of American Bandstand.

35) On 3 June 2010, "The 7PM Project" had a viewing audience of just under 1.1 million viewers.

36) In their new roles, neither O'Brien nor Leno succeeded in delivering the viewing audiences the network anticipated.

37) Mojo's "Mojo Adams" incarnation used as a simulation to conceal his actual appearance from his viewing audience.

38) Or is he lucky to have captured the attention of a viewing audience and using that opportunity to his benefit?

39) The return, in September 2010, drew 9.22 million viewers and 37.7% of the total TV viewing audience.

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