
victory assure in a sentence

1) We have been assured victory over evil.

2) But by that point victory was already assured.

assure collocations
3) Thus, Hayes' victory was assured.

4) The battle's outcome assured Italy's victory .

victory assure example sentences

5) Israel victory is assured in any war with its neighbors .

6) The 3–0 victory assured Lyon progression to the knockout rounds.

7) The victory assured France a third-place finish.

8) Almirena urges Rinaldo to fight boldly and assure victory .

9) victory is assured for us and our allies in the European war.

10) Glorious victory is assured for all who make their calling and election sure!

11) The victory assured Australia's progression to the quarter final stage of the tournament.

12) Once you have a group prefer that, victory is assured in nearly every encounter.

13) All liberals had to do was dramatize what they considered oppression and victory was assured.

14) Patil's victory was assured after Congress had struck a deal with the BJP.

example sentences with assure

15) victory is assured for all who are covered in the robes of Christ's perfection.

16) victory is almost assured .

17) And suddenly Taiwan had been cruelly ousted from the Little League World Series after victory was nearly assured .

18) Flair says one last thing : to assure victory for Team Flair, the team captain is Sting!

19) Paul Tsongas withdraws from the Democratic Party presidential primaries, virtually assuring a victory for Bill Clinton.

20) Goals from Bojan, Afellay and Bartra assured the victory and a club record of 14 away victories.

21) Such forces as are necessary for hemisphere defense must not be sent to a distant theater until victory is assured.

22) His victory was assured after the main opposition candidate, Cho Byeong-ok, died shortly before the March 15 elections.

23) victory was assured by the half-hour after skipper Colin Cooper had opened the scoring from close range on 13 minutes.

24) If once they have thus despoiled themselves of these means of salvation, we shall have assured victory over them.

25) In this manner while Madero ignited revolution from prison in the north, Pino Suárez assured victory in the south.

26) He was present in 1198 at Philip's coronation at Mainz, and supported him till his victory was assured.

27) The victory assured Sunday Silence Eclipse Award for Outstanding 3-Year-Old Male Horse and Horse of the Year honors for 1989.

How to use assure in a sentence

28) The power-projection capabilities of specifically tailored naval expeditionary forces can contribute to blunting an initial attack and, ultimately, assuring victory .

29) Losing man boobs involves a number of different factors, but if you master the one secret that's responsible for 95% of failures, then your victory is assured.

30) They contend that female victory is assured in divorce, therapy, and even in a man's psyche, where he "drowns in the dark waters of WOMAN'S world" (Keen, 1991:13-23).

31) Therefore, despite an offensive nuclear strategy, neither can victory be assured, nor the extent of damage (owing to the very nature of the weapon) be considered acceptable.

32) It was called the "Lepanto Campaign," invoking the rosary campaign that assured the naval victory of Lepanto (over Turks, 1571).

33) Lloyd Francis ran a good 11.6 to win the 100 and a fine team performance assured victory for the new management team of Brendan McShane and Mark Ellison.

34) victory is assured!

35) The race itself saw a rare phenomenon, Andrea de Cesaris leading consummately for a while before his Alfa packed in and the inevitable Prost victory was assured.

36) Not liking to rejoice before the victory is assured, I abstain from congratulating you and those under your command, until bottom has been struck.

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