
very attractive in a sentence

1) Sometimes certain eye colors appear very attractive.

2) A torn ear lobe is not very attractive!

attractive collocations
3) This explanation may not seem very attractive.

4) It is still a very attractive car.

very attractive example sentences

5) The mental picture of three compassionate children seemed very attractive.

6) That makes new energy technologies very attractive.

7) very attractive hardwood grips show only very minor handling marks.

8) The finished set is very attractive and sturdy.

9) It looks very attractive and is very comfortable.

10) Its printing and colour selection is very attractive.

11) There are also many very attractive gardens.

12) They are expert drinkers and very attractive.

13) You were a very attractive plot point .

14) This makes writing online very attractive to young writers .

example sentences with attractive

15) National regional accents sound very attractive on radio.

16) Some very attractive cases feature a few items.

17) We are playing very attractive, technicalfootball.

18) The first option is not very attractive.

19) It is very attractive in the show room.

20) Flowers and landscaping makes the area very attractive.

21) Furthermore you may not feel very attractive.

22) It creates a very attractive and festive.

23) Neither of these alternatives seems very attractive!

24) The variety and diversity of sea life is very attractive.

25) A very attractive plant which is easy to grow.

26) It is an electric blue colour and very attractive.

27) There is a road going forward past some very attractive trees.

How to use attractive in a sentence

28) A very attractive girl passing by heard his shout.

29) The prospects for the project are very attractive .

30) From what is shown here it is very attractive.

31) very attractive gift for your loved ones too.

32) This is a very excellent blog and very attractive too.

33) This makes them very attractive for potential technological applications.

34) The decor is very attractive, and service is attentive.

35) A very attractive moss, especially for breeding tanks.

36) They are packaged in vibrant colors, making very attractive gifts.

37) But yes, he is very attractive.

38) Without doubt, Kate is very attractive.

39) A very attractive SUV, looks production ready?

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