
very abrupt in a sentence

1) This is a very abrupt and obvious edit.

2) After this entire dance, it felt very abrupt .

3) Being self employed can be a very abrupt learning experience.

very abrupt example sentences

4) And this is very abrupt and out of nowhere.

5) She isn't afraid to ask questions that others are thinking and is very abrupt .

6) The introduction of this bit of "obvious" psychology is very abrupt , almost clumsy.

7) Hyperthyroidism usually begins slowly but in some young patients these changes can be very abrupt .

8) They give the impression that they really don't care and can be very abrupt .

9) This represents the very abrupt onset of a period of sustained high productivity and diatom mat flux.

10) At night we found ourselves in the midst of a very abrupt storm with very little warning.

11) The call lasted approximately one minute , said Peanberg King: "The conversation was very abrupt .

12) Semiconductors in solar cells have a very abrupt absorption coefficient so that sunlight can be readily absorbed.

13) All around the wadi rise er 60 bushels of pine nuts a day.these very abrupt cliffs.

14) The following year, the change in lyrics was very abrupt , and censorship was not as strict.

15) This is a very abrupt ending; in fact in Greek it ends almost ungrammatically on a conjunction.

use very abrupt in a sentence

16) About a year ago, I was at a labor that had a very abrupt turn of events.

17) From the tomb to the opera is a very abrupt transition; nevertheless, both have a share in this story.

18) To avoid this looking too plain and the break-off rows being very abrupt try using a small pattern to divide the colours.

19) White houses rise up steep, one above the other, in endless tiers and rows, upon a very abrupt acclivity.

20) Then into a pretzel-shaped turnaround and then the home run back to the station is a series of very abrupt bunny hops.

21) All this found a very abrupt end, after Liszt on June 1, 1835, left Paris, travelling to Basel.

22) I felt those roles should be reserved for men. . . . When I objected, they said, 'You're fired.' It was very abrupt .

23) Yes the solar maximum is on the horizon (Jan-March 2000), but the change appears very abrupt and the date of occurrence is incredibly accurate.

24) And Elfrida had long, tight stays with a large, flat-shaped piece of wood down the front, and very full, long skirts over a very abrupt hoop.

25) Usually, the rising of the terrain to altitudes above 1500 metres, which is very abrupt in certain places, is taken as a criterion for delimination.

26) When the observer is very close to the path of the object, the transition from high to low frequency is very abrupt .

27) Very abrupt .

28) Even Jericho's ending wasn't too bad, even if very abrupt (but that's more because the second series only has 5 or so episodes, after season one's 23).

How to use very abrupt in a sentence

29) If you stop there may be a very abrupt increase in warming on a magnitude you do not know , if carbon emisisons have not been reduced," said Köhler.

30) They called Harmoni , and when Dr Muttu Shantikumar called them back at 12.45 he was " very abrupt and very short" and made them an appointment for 4pm.

31) Very abrupt .

32) A variety of other evidence for very abrupt climate changes was accumulating, and some began to entertain the notion of such change on a global scale.

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