
validate assumption in a sentence

1) Peer-reviewed research undertaken since then has not validated previous assumptions.

2) But they did not validate this low-level assumption empirically.

assumption collocations
3) The assumption is then validated by examining cognate placenames.

4) Not talking to customers to validate assumptions can be lethal for your startup .

validate assumption example sentences

5) Testing and validating these assumptions would provide support for the predator attraction hypothesis.

6) A study was conducted in the VMware® performance engineering lab to validate this assumption.

7) And since I continue to win, that validates this assumption in my opinion.

8) This further validates the assumption for living labs potential as catalysts for broader societal and industrial transformations.

9) Our measurement tools then allow for frank, data-driven evaluation, where assumptions are validated against real-time performance metrics.

10) As part of the CHABLIS-SC 1 clinical study an independent statistician will conduct interim analyses to validate key study assumptions.

11) Systems engineering encourages the use of modeling and simulation to validate assumptions or theories on systems and the interactions within them.

12) Framing a start-up in this way helps shift the focus to a more scientific approach where activities undertaken are viewed as tests that quickly help you validate assumptions (or otherwise).

13) If the first three assumptions were validated, then fish farmers could secure local supplies of complete fish feed through the farming of duckweed.

14) When evaluating an existing system, a base case model that simulates the current environment often is used for validating the model assumptions and logic.

example sentences with assumption

15) The name "Nintendo" is commonly assumed to mean "leave luck to heaven", but there are no historical records to validate this assumption.

16) The assumption that Christianity merely validates American cultural assumptions about business, economics, politics, etc., usually ends up being a bad thing for all involved.

17) 'Practice', in this sense, validates the original assumption that one's life is NOT one's True Will.

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