
upper atmosphere in a sentence

1) And frequent rocket launches may harm the upper atmosphere.

2) It put 16 million tonnes of material into the upper atmosphere.

atmosphere collocations
3) Earth's upper atmosphere collapsed and space junk boomed.

4) They migrate into the upper atmosphere after use.

upper atmosphere example sentences

5) In the upper atmosphere, diatomic oxygen absorbs high-energy ultraviolet radiation.

6) Reflective balloons floating in the upper atmosphere could create shade.

7) Certain CFCs destroy ozone in the upper atmosphere.

8) Adam was atomized when the rocket exploded while entering the upper atmosphere.

9) It would achieve much of orbital velocity while still within the upper atmosphere.

10) MAVEN will examine the upper atmosphere of Mars in unprecedented detail .

11) Here we focus on the schematisations valid in the upper atmosphere.

12) Chimneys then take the remaining gases to the upper atmosphere.

13) The magnetic field in the upper atmosphere gives rise to the auroras.

14) This is in contrast with aither speaking of the upper thinner atmosphere.

example sentences with atmosphere

15) Following a powerful eruption, solar particles stream down into our upper atmosphere.

16) It is equipped with 8 scientific instruments to measure the upper Martian atmosphere.

17) A new research installation is beaming powerful radioactive energy into the upper atmosphere.

18) White ovals tend to consist of relatively cool clouds within the upper atmosphere.

19) Over time, He in the upper atmosphere is lost into space.

20) These are the remnants of meteoroids that disintegrated in the upper atmosphere .

21) For example, carbon dioxide from an automobile travels to the upper atmosphere.

22) Some free oxygen derived from photochemical dissociation by UV in upper atmosphere.

23) Climatologists also realized that little water vapor was present in the upper atmosphere.

24) Those changes that were noticed were explained away as disturbances in the upper atmosphere.

25) John Harlander, physicist and pioneering researcher of Earth's upper atmosphere.

26) Jet Stream- Strong winds concentrated within a narrow band in the upper atmosphere.

27) The CFCs are evenly distributed throughout the turbosphere and reach the upper atmosphere.

How to use atmosphere in a sentence

28) Because Jupiter is not a solid body, its upper atmosphere undergoes differential rotation.

29) In the upper atmosphere, large transports and sleek passenger liners chugged in orbit.

30) Slightly cooler conditions persist due to large amounts of nitrogen oxides in the upper atmosphere.

31) The concentration in the upper atmosphere of water molecules(which absorb neutrons).

32) The planet exhibits a pale yellow hue due to ammonia crystals in its upper atmosphere.

33) The ozone layer is a naturally occurring concentration of ozone molecules in the upper atmosphere.

34) In the process, electrons are separated and stream into Earth's upper atmosphere.

35) As the credits roll, the helium transport is depicted entering Earth's upper atmosphere.

36) The encounter provided visible and near-infrared imaging data of the upper atmosphere of Venus.

37) MAVEN is the first spacecraft dedicated to exploring the tenuous upper atmosphere of Mars.

38) Instead, some radio waves are affected by the ionosphere in the upper atmosphere.

39) In 1975, NASA was directed by legislation to research and monitor the upper atmosphere.

40) The figure shows the forces acting on meteoroids falling through the Earth's upper atmosphere.

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