
unusual angle in a sentence

1) Topics are extremely varied and are often viewed from unusual angles .

angle collocations
2) Fielding high pop flies, often hit at unusual angles .

3) The unusual angle was a more complex proposition than it seems.

unusual angle example sentences

4) The field is wide open - hilarious moments... beautiful scenery... unusual angles .

5) Do not use a tripod if you are looking for an unusual angle .

6) This has resulted in some modern high rises being built at unusual angles or locations.

7) In selected scenes, this production music was blended with aerial footage shot from mostly unusual angles .

8) As part of your theatrical styling, you utilize a lot of unusual angles and perspectives.

9) He was sprawled at an unusual angle , arms and legs stuck out in all directions.

10) The branches are graceful, arching and held at unusual angles giving a most interesting architectural affect.

11) It was indeed there at an unusual angle , anchored by sleeping bags and a poignant agave.

12) Some objects, such as IC 167, are simply ordinary spiral galaxies viewed from an unusual angle .

13) Kuno looked surprised, then examined his leg, fascinated at the unusual angle it was at.

14) Compositions were often asymmetrical, and the viewpoint was often from unusual angles , such as from above.

15) Fortunately, the glasses can also account for any unusual angles at which you are viewing the movie.

example sentences with unusual angle

16) The bull and the dog below it are depicted from an unusual angle ; they are seen from the above.

17) Its tilt and swivel function makes it particularly practical for creative photography and enables shooting from different viewpoints and unusual angles .

18) A small minority of babies are born with club foot (talipes equinovarus) where the foot is at an unusual angle .

19) The internal construction of Trevelyan is unusual, comprising a string of hexagon-shaped blocks resulting in most rooms containing unusual angles .

20) But if there's something unique about your business, be sure to think of these unusual angles before talking with the editors.

21) Slow pitches: Are made by tailoring your pitches for journalists who may have the ability to cover your story from an unusual angle that relates to their beat.

22) Andrew Savulich of the "Daily News" looks for unusual angles and juxtapositions, once putting the station house's sleeping cat in the foreground.

23) He was also able to turn on himself at top speed and explode at unusual angles , which he used to great effect.

24) M98 (NGC 4192) is a bright, elongated spiral galaxy that is seen nearly edge-on; it can appear elliptical because of its unusual angle .

25) The similarities occur with strong outlines , unusual angles , including close-up views, and also flattish local colour (not modelled according to the fall of light).

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