
unknown authorship in a sentence

1) Some are of unknown authorship and could be by Shakespeare.

2) It is a pseudepigraphic text of an uncertain date and unknown authorship.

authorship collocations
3) A letter written under the name of Simon Peter, but regarded by scholars as of unknown authorship.

4) The second edition of 1651 and subsequent editions include a continuation of unknown authorship relating Gonsales' further adventures.

unknown authorship example sentences

5) They are, however, varied in content, age and style, and are largely of unknown authorship.

6) In later years, a file of unknown authorship regarding Barnes's behaviour was deposited in the NSWCA library.

7) A large group of manuscripts known as the "Mantras" of unknown authorship is extant probably going back to the period before 1500.

8) A second letter of unknown authorship was sent from Lisbon to Nuremberg at around the same time, enclosing a sketch by an unknown artist.

9) The basic plot derives from "Beowulf", a heroic poem of unknown authorship written in Old English and preserved in a manuscript dating from around AD 1000.

10) Letter which claims to have been written by a Jude, brother of James, but is generally considered by scholars to be of unknown authorship.

11) A particular play of unknown authorship entitled "A Vision of the Golden Rump" was cited when Parliament passed the Licensing Act of 1737.

12) The collection published as "The Passionate Pilgrim" contains genuine poems by Shakespeare along with poems known to have been written by other authors, along with some of unknown authorship.

13) Augustine defined the word as meaning simply "obscurity of origin," implying that any book of unknown authorship or questionable authenticity would be considered as apocryphal.

14) Regarded as a letter of unknown authorship that was written in Paul's name

example sentences with authorship

15) "Rhetorica ad Herennium", formerly attributed to Cicero but now considered to be of unknown authorship, is one of the most significant works on rhetoric and is still widely used as a reference today.

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