
undergo availability in a sentence

1) The ship then underwent restricted availability from 18 to 19 August.

2) She later underwent a two-week availability alongside before she resumed underway training.

availability collocations
3) There, "Woodworth" underwent tender availability until 11 January.

4) She underwent repair availability and training exercises from 16 July through 22 September.

undergo availability example sentences

5) The ship finished out the year 1970 at Little Creek undergoing tender availability.

6) She returned to Little Creek on 6 May 1967 and underwent tender availability.

7) She remained there, undergoing a restricted availability, into early January 1968.

8) The destroyer spent the remainder of 1967 undergoing availability and in leave and upkeep.

9) The destroyer underwent a restricted availability at Yokosuka between mid-October and mid-December.

10) On the 11th, the destroyer anchored in Oro Bay and underwent availability.

11) November and December saw the ship undergo restricted availability at the Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard.

12) The destroyer then underwent a two-week availability alongside in Sasebo, Japan commencing 8 June.

13) She arrived on 3 June and remained for over two and one-half months undergoing extended availability.

14) From 5 to 17 July, she underwent tender availability before entering floating drydock for hull repairs.

example sentences with availability

15) Subsequently, she based temporarily out of Olongapo before undergoing a tender availability alongside in March.

16) Because of those changes, "Badger" underwent a post-shakedown availability that lasted until mid-November.

17) The ship then spent the remainder of July and most of August undergoing a tender availability.

18) Upon her return to Norfolk, the ship underwent restricted availability from 4 May until 16 July.

19) She arrived in Subic Bay on 14 November and remained there 10 days undergoing a tender availability.

20) In mid-April, the destroyer underwent a tender availability alongside during which the DASH system was removed.

21) On 15 December 1967, the ship underwent tender availability which lasted through the end of the year.

22) The beginning of the year 1975 found the landing ship at Subic Bay, undergoing a needed availability.

23) She anchored at Ulithi's southern anchorage from 23–31 January, undergoing availability and preparing for further operations.

24) After her arrival at San Pedro Bay, she remained there for the rest of March undergoing a tender availability.

25) In mid-September, the ship underwent an availability in Tokyo Bay and rode out a storm there on 18 September.

26) She underwent availability through 6 October and spent the remainder of the month in upkeep and training exercises in Tokyo Bay.

27) The remainder of the time, she either operated off the coast of Florida or was in port undergoing restricted availability.

How to use availability in a sentence

28) Then, after sailing westward, she reached Naples on 29 July and underwent a tender availability there until 11 August.

29) She entered Puget Sound on 9 December, underwent availability until the 30th, and then returned to San Diego.

30) From 1 January to 20 May 1974, "Beaufort" underwent a restricted availability in the Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard.

31) After post-repair trials, she conducted operations on the west coast and underwent a restricted availability at Long Beach, California.

32) The task group then stopped at Toulon, France, where the ship underwent a restricted availability between 17 and 29 September.

33) From 6 to 8 March, "Vigilance" lay alongside undergoing availability in preparation for the upcoming operation against the Ryūkyūs.

34) Upon completion of the yard work in November, "Cunningham" spent a month in independent steaming and undergoing tender availability.

35) Although the work necessary to repair the damaged ships there took precedence, "Antares" underwent an availability at Pearl Harbor.

36) The dock landing ship remained at San Diego undergoing post-deployment availability until 5 February 1952, when she shifted to Port Hueneme.

37) The destroyer departed for Mayport on 17 September and underwent a two-week tender availability before sailing for the Mediterranean on 14 October.

38) Arriving at Bahrain on 23 June, she underwent repair availability before starting patrol operations in the Persian Gulf on 4 July.

39) Following the ship's shakedown, "Whetstone" underwent post-shakedown availability at the Norfolk Naval Shipyard before heading for the Pacific.

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