
under the auspices of in a sentence

1) Denny soon began promoting contests under the auspices of the NPC.

2) There are several organs under the auspices of the Central Committee.

auspices collocations
3) Development is continuing under the auspices of an FDA IDE process.

4) Cricket is played under the auspices of Israel Cricket Association.

under the auspices of example sentences

5) under the auspices of plaintiff, experiments were conducted and research developed.

6) the program is being conducted under the auspices of the HIP.

7) It is still under the auspices of those who control the market.

8) Studies carried out under the auspices of SANEI are published.

9) Regulation is under the auspices of the ACECQA.

10) This was under the auspices of Carlos Annacondia.

11) Existing YAF chapters were brought under the auspices of the Foundation.

12) the town is therefore no longer under the auspices of Wiltshire Council.

13) In 1966 he worked briefly in television under the auspices of NASA.

14) the final silver halfpennies were produced under the auspices of the Commonwealth.

example sentences with auspices

15) the Commission operates under the auspices of the Congregation for Bishops.

16) the US instructors operate under the auspices of Shintaido of America.

17) Brazilian Native Peoples Games are held under the auspices of FUNAI.

18) Tests are conducted under the auspices of member clubs and administered during test sessions.

19) the exhibition travelled through 2013 under the auspices of Independent Curators International.

20) At present two Oxford centres are planned under the auspices of the institute.

21) the volunteer's assignments are carried out under the auspices of the sponsor.

22) the IETF operates under the auspices of ISOC.

23) Construction commenced afterwards under the auspices of the new World Space Commission.

24) Negotiations were resumed in December 1991 under the auspices of the CSCE.

25) There are currently 40 clubs under the auspices of the Donegal County Board.

26) A total of six runs were made under the auspices of the FIBT.

27) the assistance programme began over two years ago under the auspices of WANO.

How to use auspices in a sentence

28) Further development under the auspices of the IETF was stalled by competing interests.

29) Chipembele is run under the auspices of a charitable trust registered in Zambia.

30) They have gone into it under the auspices of the British Government.

31) IIP operates under the auspices of UNESCO as a Category 2 Center.

32) People often do things purely for self validation under the auspices of charitable work .

33) He usually also went off somewhere under the auspices of some ecologically minded group.

34) It operates under the auspices of the South Central Railway founded in 1966.

35) under the auspices of the IGU work has been done in 41 commissions.

36) the concert was held under the auspices of Lahore Grammar School, Defence.

37) STP came under the auspices of OLPU soon after OLPU was founded.

38) Stalin promised free elections in Poland under the auspices of a government he controlled.

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