
truly astound in a sentence

1) His rendering of the textures is truly astounding.

2) Your conclusions are truly astounding, but believable.

astound collocations
3) The speed with which he wrote was truly astounding.

4) The volume of crap issuing from my site was truly astounding .

truly astound example sentences

5) The power of vernix is truly astounding .

6) The historical amnesia is truly astounding.

7) Yet those findings are truly astounding.

8) It truly astounds me that these are paintings, not photos.

9) The breadth of Grandinetti's knowledge about Popeye is truly astounding!

10) At this point, I am ready for something truly astounding to happen.

11) But the amount of calories in some alcoholic drinks can be truly astounding.

12) The views of the plains below and the mountains around us were truly astounding.

13) Exhibbit allows you to see works from the Trusts Collection in truly astounding detail.

14) His physical needs were slight and his ability to stand up to punishment unshaken truly astounding.

example sentences with astound

15) The attention to detail and opulence is truly astounding and must be seen to be believed.

16) The claims that can be made by these therapies are truly astounding and hard to believe.

17) I work with a lot of teenagers and some of them have truly astounding natural ranges.

18) A truly astounding spectacle.

19) According to an unofficial census, fourteen Central Councillors came from that area, a truly astounding figure.

20) The amount of supplemental material is truly astounding, and includes previously released elements as well as material produced expressly for this Blu-ray release.

21) Now, when the worldly-wise are repudiating God's Word as 'obsolete' and 'unscientific,' to have this stone 'Witness' speak, and corroborate the testimony of the Bible, is truly astounding.

22) Giving players the option of watching some of the truly astounding crashes that can occur in such a game would have been a nice touch.

23) Some of the viewership numbers to his show Dragon's Den is truly astounding – 2.2 million viewers, almost 1 in 3 families in Canada!

24) As further evidence for the sacred and mystical qualities of the site, his assistant showed me a photo of a truly astounding cloud formation which appeared over the abbey during the restoration.

25) My husband and I have experienced that her very presence and her insights into personal relationships, the choice to suffer or not, and ultimate meaning of spiritual growth are truly astounding.

26) For starters, my father had the Foie gras à la vanille, a truly astounding slice of foie gras infused with vanilla.

27) As of 2000, that number had reached 3.5 and appeared to be on the rise. 2 The most extreme examples of modern scientific teamwork are truly astounding.

28) Many can achieve only partial understanding even after a lifetime study, but Dasan studied all the ritual fields and his research is truly astounding.

29) In talent he was rivalled by Hou Yuon, born in 1930, who was described as being "of truly astounding physical and intellectual strength", and who studied economics and law.

30) Coming out of my private office and into the Twitterverse, I have been truly astounded at the creativity and ground breaking work being developed.

31) I don't recommend it if you're afraid of heights as the steps are narrow and steep, but once above, the panoramic views of Bologna are truly astounding.

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