
tree lined avenue in a sentence

1) Victoria Park is an expansive reserve with tree lined avenues and sporting fields in suburban Newington.

2) A tree lined avenue leads to Minehead's shopping centre and the district's main tourist information centre.

avenue collocations
3) Greenwich Park tree lined avenues and spectacular views across the River Thames to St Paul's Cathedral and beyond.

4) The tree lined avenue runs for about a third of a mile with shops either side for 325 yards of it.

tree lined avenue example sentences

5) On your final day there will be a visit to Versailles for a glimpse of part of the impressive and immense gardens, from tree lined avenues to grand fountains and formal planting.

6) Today they make for excellent strolls where one can capture the truly magnificent views of the surrounding mountains, cityscape, islands, willow tree lined avenues, and boats.

7) (The road from Sutton to Belmont is still a tree lined avenue not completely built up, in 1982.)

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