
train aviator in a sentence

1) Wilbur Wright trained military aviators at this location.

2) The school trained many aviators who would join Cubana's operations.

aviator collocations
3) An important assignment was training aviators in the use of her advanced facilities.

4) Most of the Army aviators trained between the two World Wars attended this school.

train aviator example sentences

5) The 12th Flying training Wing equips and trains aviators and support worldwide contingency operations.

6) Third Air Force reactivated the field in March 1943 as a field for training black aviators.

7) Marine aviators are trained in the Naval Aviation training pipeline, and utilize Naval weapons and test pilot schools.

8) Evers scrambled for the opening, exiting the plane headfirst, rather than feet-first, as aviators are trained to do.

9) The mission of training prospective aviators and naval flight officers comes under the cognizance of Chief of Naval Air training Command (CNATRA).

10) The United States Navy also used the airport as an Outlying Landing Field (OLF) to Naval Air Station Olathe, Kansas where aviators were trained for carrier operations.

11) A Landing Signal Officer (LSO) is a naval aviator specially trained to facilitate the "safe and expeditious recovery" of naval aircraft aboard aircraft carriers.

12) Construction of the facility was rapid, with the United States now at war and the mission of the new airfield was to train aviators to be sent to the Western Front in France.

13) Two years later, by the signing of the armistice in November 1918, the air station, with 438 officers and 5,538 enlisted men, had trained 1,000 naval aviators.

14) NAS Norfolk started its roots training aviators at Naval Air Detachment, Curtiss Field, Newport News, on May 19, 1917.

example sentences with aviator

15) The small size of the Skyhawk and superb low speed handling in the hands of a well trained aviator made it ideal to teach fleet aviators the finer points of DACT.

16) In 1941, in an effort to train black aviators, the U.S. Army Air Corps established a training program at Tuskegee Institute, using Moton Field, about 4 mi away from the campus center.

17) The base was primarily used for antisubmarine patrol operations and as an elemental flight training station, with more than 500 aviators trained at the station during World War I.

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