
train astronaut in a sentence

1) They were both paid for and astronauts were trained .

2) Research in this area is used to train astronauts including the chimpanzees sent into space.

astronaut collocations
3) NASDA also trained Japanese astronauts, who flew with the US Space Shuttles.

4) Including, I suspect, every single currently trained astronaut and astronaut candidate in the world.

train astronaut example sentences

5) It is within this crater that the Apollo astronauts trained for their lunar mission in 1969.

6) Currently astronauts are only trained to fly in the Soyuz and live on board ISS.

7) Not all astronauts are trained as pilots; these days, a lot of them have scientific background.

8) astronauts are trained in preparation for the conditions of launch as well as the harsh environment of space.

9) An Educator astronaut is a fully trained astronaut who performs all the same duties that a regular astronaut does.

10) The European Space Agency is training astronauts in a place you wouldn't normally associate with being in Space.

11) The Test Pilot School was re-designated as the Aerospace Research Pilot School as it began to train future astronauts.

12) One documentary of their work covered a zero-gravity performance piece done in a Russian plane that's used to train astronauts.

13) By contrast, the Apollo spacecraft was designed to be operated by humans and required highly trained astronauts in order to operate.

14) Your group will receive a safety briefing and history overview and then step aboard the Space Shuttle Trainer where our astronauts trained for every Space Shuttle mission.

example sentences with astronaut

15) An anonymous reader writes A building at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, where Apollo astronauts once trained, was named in honor of astronaut Neil Armstrong.

16) The suit will be tested at the Neutral Buoyancy Lab (NBL), the huge indoor pool NASA uses to train every astronaut in the technique of spacewalking.

17) For the near future at least, spaceflight remains too risky and too expensive for anyone but highly trained astronauts and payload specialists to take part in.

18) During this phase of training, astronauts are trained in the high fidelity Shenzhou trainer, as well as the Neutral Buoyancy Facility located at the astronaut Center of China (ACC), in Beijing.

19) Although this mode had been tested (on Apollo 7) and most of the astronauts were trained in its use, this mode was never actually needed during any Apollo mission.

20) The procedure, which the two astronauts trained for prior to the mission, was completed in about an hour and a half.

21) Five pairs of astronauts trained for the flight and about one month before launch the two pairs with the lowest performance were dropped.

22) The CF700 turbofan engine was also used to train Moon-bound astronauts in Project Apollo as the powerplant for the Lunar Landing Research Vehicle.

23) The footage of Spock's melding with the whales was shot weeks later in a large water tank used to train astronauts for weightlessness.

24) It selects and trains prospective astronauts and is responsible for the co-ordination with international partners, especially with regard to the International Space Station.

25) For some of the zero-gravity shots, Howard went so far as to build sets aboard a KC-135 aircraft, used to train astronauts by flying in parabolic arcs to place them into freefall.

26) Of course, this "Gantry" is also the same site where all 24 Apollo astronauts trained to land on the moon, and is now a National Historical Landmark.

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