
traditional astrology in a sentence

1) traditional astrology says Saturn is the ruler of this house.

2) Lunation Cycles are beyond the scope of traditional sun sign astrology.

astrology collocations
3) You will find it mentioned quite often by those who are oriented toward traditional astrology.

4) Much can be learned about general, traditional astrology by practising with horary charts.

traditional astrology example sentences

5) In traditional astrology, other levels of Dignity are recognised in addition to Rulership.

6) traditional astrology gives this house a double association with Venus, planet of pleasures and passions.

7) In traditional horary astrology, Exaltation denotes a level of dignity somewhat exaggerated compared to rulership.

8) It was initially disorienting then, when I learned that traditional astrology makes Saturn the 1st house ruler.

9) Modern astrology designates the 10th as the father's house; traditional astrology says it's the mother's.

10) According to traditional astrology, no planet "joys" in the 10th house, but Mars is its natural ruler.

11) Western or European astrology originated in Babylonia around 200 BC, the earlier phase of astrology in Europe from 1200 to 1700 is referred to as traditional Astrology.

12) Overcoming the Negative Saturn The negative aspect of Saturn to which our traditional astrology pays so much attention is mainly a product of the state of society in which human beings live.

13) In our traditional astrology, 2nd house is the house for family and 11th house is the house for friends and fulfillment of desire.

14) Unlike traditional astrology, not all houses are of equal size of 30 degree in KP and hence sometimes no house falls into a sign or sometimes more than one house fall into a sign.

example sentences with astrology

15) The keyword phrase for Virgo in traditional astrology is "I analyze." Your two minds have an ability to discriminate reality from foolish thinking in a heartbeat.

16) traditional astrology tells us that the moon (symbolic of the Mother) is exalted in Taurus, the sign characterized by what nurtures the senses.

17) traditional Indian astrology is extremely focused on fate prediction and character compatibility (for weddings) and not so much on psychological character interpretation, as taught in the West.

18) govern much the same things as in traditional astrology.

19) "Zi", or "Purple", refers to the North Star, which in ancient China was called the "Ziwei" Star, and in traditional Chinese astrology was the heavenly abode of the Celestial Emperor.

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