
too abrupt in a sentence

1) Plus. that ending was far too abrupt .

2) Yet his actions were too extreme, and too abrupt .

3) Otherwise the change is too abrupt for your body to handle.

too abrupt example sentences

4) The ending felt way too abrupt .

5) These cuts are too fast, too much, too abrupt , and too irresponsible.

6) For some it felt that the swing toward prevention and policy was too abrupt and simplistic.

7) The ending is too abrupt , but it's the climax to her career in silent cinema.

8) Cutting from the characters arriving to hiding out in the garage felt just a touch too abrupt .

9) Too abrupt a change in diet can cause colic, as the new food is not properly digested.

10) If your readers turn the page expecting the story to continue, then your ending might be too abrupt .

11) The cutbacks to the Lists had been too large and too abrupt , the handling of the resulting chaos clumsy.

12) Discussing it afterwards, many people said it was too abrupt , but Mrs Travers and Mrs Patel defended it.

13) As the CBI figures showed increasing anxiety about future orders, there was more fear that the deceleration might be too abrupt .

14) Some found the transition between the mundane world of the first scene and the fantasy world of the second act too abrupt .

15) Based on my experience, the taper you described is too abrupt , even if it is spaced out every few months.

use too abrupt in a sentence

16) These techniques can be used when the signal-to-noise ratio of the image is sufficiently high and phase variation is not too abrupt .

17) Quite abrupt airtime too, not the gentle floating that Shivering Timbers gives you, but then again not too abrupt that it gives you bruises as you hit the lap bar.

18) They want a commercial film smelling of daisies, taking out anything that exceeds that which is too abrupt , everything that makes it cinematic and breathe with life.

19) If any of the phases seem too abrupt , the transfer of an individual neuron, or synapse, can be spread out over as long a time as necessary.

20) It may be the change in water temperature, while not large, was too abrupt and they moved overnight, or it could be something else.

21) For example, the shift from a slow, soft section to a fast, loud section may be too abrupt for the average listener.

22) But, if the change in cam ramp is too abrupt , then valve acceleration will be too high, generating excessive forces on the valve train.

23) The McLaren chassis handled badly in the wet conditions, while the throttle response of the Mercedes engine was also too abrupt to be driven effectively in the rain.

24) It further stated "global warming must be addressed, but agreed that approaches based on too abrupt a shift toward lower emissions of carbon are needlessly expensive.

25) Too abrupt .

26) The eclipse, partly by his own desire, partly because of the overturning of the world in which he had governed, was too abrupt .

27) But Cuvier insisted that the transition from the ancient to the modern species was too abrupt , and that the intermediates would not have been viable in any case.

28) If the emotive flow is too even, interest will lapse; if changes of emotion are too abrupt , the unity will be destroyed.

How to use too abrupt in a sentence

29) Then, sensing that her manner was too abrupt for courtesy, added, 'They were killed in a traffic accident in France.'

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