
test automation in a sentence

1) test automation also supports continued refactoring required by iterative software development.

2) test automation is a big part of a test engineer's job.

automation collocations
3) Forgot to power up the unit right away when the test automation started.

4) With the help of the test automation, we can achieve our goal easily.

test automation example sentences

5) test automation is the most productive way of achieving cost effectiveness of the testing processes.

6) This will cause the test automation to time out for any response from the UUT.

7) test automation refers to the automation of the process to test a product through the use of machines.

8) Among the different ways of achieving cost effectiveness of the testing processes, test automation is the most productive.

9) This is an exciting opportunity for those interested in learning about SQA and best practices in software test automation.

10) TDD requires test automation.

11) I believe that dependency injection pattern in conjunction with repository pattern is more helpful as it will ease our test automation too.

12) A large amount of popular tools in the areas of simulation, measurement, calibration and test automation are compliant to ASAM standards.

13) Implementing test automation for mobile application development process is the best way to gain agile, effective use of resources and time for testing.

14) This is a great benefit for test system automation, where it is common practice to run processes like test sequencing, data recording, and hardware interfacing in parallel.

example sentences with automation

15) Manual testing vs. automated : Some writers believe that test automation is so expensive relative to its value that it should be used sparingly.

16) It proved very useful in my example above, but for test automation, each QA team should evaluate the need of variable according to each project.

17) Created by Quality First Software GmbH (QFS), Germany, QF-test is a cross-platform tool for GUI test automation of Java and Web applications.

18) The test case automation is split into three stages:

19) test case automation executed

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